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Une page de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Quelques scripts utiles. Nécessites d'avoir un dump installé sur l'ordinateur. Fonctionne sous linux. Pas testé sous d'autre OS.

  • Script python pour détecter toutes les entités inutiles.

NB : dans le source wiki, les & ont été remplacés par &.

import MySQLdb
import re

conn = MySQLdb.connect (host = "localhost",user = "root",passwd = "",db = "wikidb")
cursor = conn.cursor ()

# Getting the index number of all articles (and only articles) that contain entities
requete = "select cur_id from cur where cur_namespace=0 and cur_text regexp '&amp([^;]{1,8});' order by cur_title;"
cursor.execute (requete)
ind_articles = cursor.fetchall ()

articles = ''

for num_article in ind_articles:
    requete = "select cur_title,cur_text from cur where cur_id=" + str(num_article[0]) + ";"
    cursor.execute (requete)
    title_text = cursor.fetchone ()
    text = title_text[1]
    # Let's remove authorized entities
    text = text.replace(" "," ")
    text = text.replace("<"," ")
    text = text.replace(">"," ")
    text = text.replace("&"," ")

    has_entity ='&([^;]{1,8});',text)
    # If we still find an entity, let's remember of the name of the article
    if has_entity != None:
        articles = articles + '* [[' + title_text[0] + ']]\n'

output_file = file("articles", "w")

cursor.close ()
conn.close ()
  • Script python pour détecter les fautes d'orthographe les plus courantes. Limité par le dictionnaire assez incomplet de aspell.
import MySQLdb
import os
import re

conn = MySQLdb.connect (host = "localhost",user = "root",passwd = "",db = "wikidb_fr")
cursor = conn.cursor ()

# Getting the index number of all articles (and only articles)
requete = "select cur_id from cur where cur_namespace=0 order by cur_title;"
cursor.execute (requete)
ind_articles = cursor.fetchall ()

# This file will contain all the spelling mistakes of all articles
spelling_mistakes = file("spelling_mistakes","w")

# For each article, we check the spelling
for num_article in ind_articles:
    requete = "select cur_title,cur_text from cur where cur_id=" + str(num_article[0]) + ";"
    cursor.execute (requete)
    title_text = cursor.fetchone ()

    tmp = file ("tmp","w")
    text = title_text[1]
    text = re.sub(r'\[\[[a-z,\-]{2,8}:([^\]]*)\]\]','',text) # removing of the interwikis which are obviously mispelled
    text = re.sub('<math>([^<]*)</math>','',text) # removing the latex environment
    text = re.sub('<([^>]*)>','',text) # removing HTML markups
    text = re.sub('\{\{([^\}]*)\}\}','',text) # removing messages
    text = re.sub('\n(\||\{|!)([^(\\n)]*)','',text) # removing the tables (might not work if a table starts on the first line)
    text = text.replace("'"," ")
    text = text.replace("-"," ")
    text = text.replace("_"," ")

    os.system ('cat tmp | aspell --encoding=utf-8 --ignore=4 --lang=fr -H -l | aspell --encoding=utf-8 --ignore=4 --lang=en -l | sort | uniq > article_spelling')
    article_spelling = file("article_spelling","r")
    mistakes = article_spelling.readlines ()
    if mistakes != []:
        spelling_mistakes.write("\n[[" + title_text[0].replace("_"," ") + "]]\n")
        for mistake in mistakes:
            if mistake[0].islower():
                spelling_mistakes.write("* " + mistake)
    tmp.close ()

cursor.close ()
conn.close ()