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The Great Shatidom of Aulpannian Nation (or Aulpannian Shatidom) is a micronation under the regime of a society based on assimilation and shatidom located between the municipalities of Saint-Étienne-de-Chigny and [w:Luynes, Indre-et-Loire Luynes]

Aulpanne was born in February 2021, on February 21 precisely, on the night of the 20th to the 21st, at 5:15 a.m., the Chief Executive of Aulpanne proclaimed the Republican Empire of Nauru, the Empire of Nauru is "the former Aulpanne", the equivalent of Gaul for the French, the Saxon kingdom for the English or the Roman Empire for the Italians, although the Empire of Nauru is a micronation that was born from the virtual, the local newspaper of the municipality of Luynes will write an article (February 28), this having been paid for by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Aulpannien

After February there is March, March was a painful month for the Empire of Nauru, the population does not increase, the economy does not create, and foreign diplomacy does not give anything because the Micronation is virtual and does not give not envying the micronational Great Powers of recognition as an Independent state, the Aulpannians are annoyed, however, on March, the 17th, an event will change the course of Aulpannian history, the first written constitution is and puts an end to the air of Rules Imposed, this constitution being the first of Aulpanne (or of Nauru) it provides for a greater democracy while maintaining a strong power of the state, this democracy is expressed by the obligation to propose a decision to the Aulpannians and that if it is refused by the Aulpannians, it cannot be promulgated, out of the 65 decision-making referendums that there have been in 5 months of the empire, 2 have been defrauded by the emperor Inochandess, the rest having been totally voted by the Aulpannians, in Av ril, the empire of Nauru collapses and gives way to the Republican Empire Aulpannian, out of the 9 inhabitants that count Aulpanne in March, there were 3 newcomers in April, a spectacular increase for this young empire, among these 3 newcomers, 2 what distinguishes them from the others, they are developers, developers in a virtual micronation, this will give a huge military advantage over the other Micronations, However, it was on this day of May 30, 2021 that Aulpanne was raid, it is the beginning of a new air, that of ideological conquest, on May 8, 9 days after the attack, the server where Aulpanne is located is rebuilt, it is the beginning of a war, that of honor to the Fatherland, during this war there is a flag which distinguishes it from the others, it is the one below, this flag is the very symbol of honor and devotion to the Fatherland, whatever the moment no matter for what reasons, Aulpanne must be defended at all costs, this is why, on June 2, the first raid test takes place on a test server no matter for

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what are the reasons, Aulpanne must be defended at all costs, that's why, on June 2, the first raid test takes place on a test server, and on June 5, it's time to avenge the honor of Aulpanne , a raid with more than 3400 mentions took place on the enemy server, it's a total victory, it's the victory of the nation. in June, it is after this victory that the first Aulpannian flag was placed on the future territory, it is on June 20 in honor of the 5th month of Aulpanne, that the first Aulpannian flag is woven on the territory, in July, this is the start of what many call, the modern History of Aulpanne

Moderne History

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The modern history of Aulpanne begins on July 8, 2021, Inochandess meets André de la crois by chance, they talk and they realize that the two have a micronation, André de la crois has been at war against the Bordan, the war has start on May 31, then inochandess takes the opportunity, and promises to avenge Fiera, this is concluded on the 18th with a treaty of mutual recognition, however, between July 8 and 18, it is probably the biggest event from the history of Aulpanne:

Shatidom proclamation:

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Aulpanne has 24 citizens on July 13, that day, the Aulpannians vote for a change of regime, they have the choice between the Republic, the maintenance of the Republican empire, or a regime that they will create together in cooperation , they will finally choose the creation of a new regime, which will be called the Shatidom, Aulpanne now changes its name and will be called Shatidom of the Aulpannian Nation, the Shatidom highlights the good deeds of nature, the luck of the life, the importance of each minute that passes and that this is not trivial, even on the scale of a life that lasts a thousand years, with this, Aulpanne has his first income, the soups planted in May make him won 350 euros, euros that will be reinvested in fishing, and in utilities, in education and in the well-being of everyone, the Aulpannian population on the territory increases to 20 individuals while on the virtual, the heyday of glory rings, July is a golden month for Aulpanne, everything like August, fishing brings in so much money, that Aulpanne has the luxury of paying goats and cattle for a pittance, all this goes to Aulpanne's prosperity and it is increasingly easy to convince rural dwellers to join the Shatidom

September and October

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the September following all these good events will be a September in which Aulpanne will have been taken from above and not increased to its true value, the first 10 days, an inactive citizen is recovered from a server in which we had made a partnership ( before modern times) the citizen in question has been on discord for a long time, and has known Aulpanne since June, he had a strange relationship with the Shatidan, they got along particularly well, this person is called Thermidor, leader of a Kingdom called "The Kingdom of Paris" a kingdom that does not necessarily want to be micronational, this server is above all a server for relaxation, however, The Shatidan Inochandess will succeed in convincing Thermidor to build a micronation, a micronation called "The Kingdom of Brestand" Inochandess would have preferred the micronations to be a Shatidom more than a Kingdom, but it's not his server he has no power, a treaty of mutual recognition is established on September 12 embre, which follows with Medici on September 19, the micronations collaborate together and create the "New Entente" when the 1st Alphain war breaks out on October 14, 2021, but before that, on October 1, 2021, Aulpanne declares war on Bordan, the war was very well received by the leaders of the micronational world, the Bordan being weak diplomatically at this time, this war will conclude with a white peace proclaiming a status quo of the two camps, with regard to the Alphain war, it was not very important, there will have been 3 wars for Alphain to die completely without the possibility of returning, Aulpanne will participate in 1 war among the 3 that there have been, in the first Aulpanne this will be cleared due to its constitution considered extremist and undemocratic by other Beligerents, which led to a rupture of the treaties of recognition with Medici and will place its leader on the scale of a traitor, he even today no longer has the right to pass the Aulpannian territory, due to this, there are tensions between Brestand and Aulpanne, but the two nations are doing their best to maintain an understanding, Aulpanne considering Brestand as his son, however, on October 25, 2021, the atmosphere is dense in Aulpanne, a spies playing a double game reports images of conversation having taken place inside Aulpanne, the leader of Brestand due to a concern of ego will not accept that one speaks like that about him, and will categorically refuse to give the name of the traitor so that one judge, Inochandess insists, to the point of threatening Brestand with war, but the leader of Brestand does not have more intension to that, and goes to sleep without taking into account the words of inochandess, who clearly say "no, you will not sleep, you tell me who is the traitor or your country will die" thermid or replied "if I tell you, you will sever the ties, don't let that happen" which inochandess replied "if you don't tell me, I will do worse than just sever the ties" this was the last warning from inochandess , Thermidor no longer responds, he declares war.

Coat of Arms

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The symbol of Aulpanne also contains the representation of Shatidom, the meaning of this symbol is diverse, first of all there are 42 grains at the edge of the wheat plant, the number 42 is universally used to give logic to

like a scientific formula that we don't understand, scientific formula, with more than a trillion variety and bad luck so that it leads to an error, 42 to simplify, the inexplicable, next to it there are 4 stars

Coat of Arms Of Aulpanne
Coat of Arms Of Aulpanne

Yellow placed perfectly from the eagle's head, to the eagle's foot, from the lion's head, to the lion's foot, meaning that whatever your species, your races, whether you are human, or eagle, the only thing that we know about everyone is that they have the same origin of life, the two stars located at the foot of the two animals, fixed the number 15, on each of their sides,

15 is an angelic number the number of the love of the gods, it is 15, a number defining that every man here on earth is born from a mother, from a mother, which is an infinite cycle, but you necessarily need an external power to be born, you are not born of yourself, The number 15 and Aulpanne are two of the same thought, that of the fact that logic is not necessarily common to all, just as ethics is not not the equal of the law, the red star, like the shatidom star of honor from the bottom to the top on the two extreme signs that every human, regardless of the idea, must love each other and make peace, an idea is negotiated, the history of the world shows the importance of listening, because the story of a villain is that of a person who has not found enough comfort.

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Aulpanne possède plusieurs villes, ces villes sont fournit en nourriture, pain, vin et eau, chaque jour un grand repas est organisé à 21 heurs

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Dans la ville la plus développé, Pierelo la grande majorité du temps ce qui est envoyé dans cet ville sont ce que y'a en stock dans Niecco, Genchail et Paltombe, mais tout est bien conservé avec plusieurs centaine de littre de sel, de la glace, touts les stocks sont d'ailleurs dans les 13 grandes grottes qui sont répartie sur le territoires, tout est calculé minutieusement avec un rapport qui a été établit sur les calorie que tout les Aulpannien cumulé ont besoin, il y reste donc à chaque repas très peu de chose, ce qui reste est souvent revendu (et non pas redistribué aux Aulpanniens)

La vie des Aulpanniens dépendent énormément des saisons, en Hivers les Aulpanniens reste plutôt dans la foret à rispalo, une ville qui est conçu pour l'habitation et les fêtes (même en temps de pluis) tandis qu'en été les repas ce font plutôt à Pierelo

Pour les journées de travailles, elles ne sont pas bien chargé afin de garantir qu'une majorité d'Aulpannien est la possibilité d'accedé aux sessions de débat à l'assemblée populaire, une journée normal de travaille pour un Aulpannien c'est 4 à 5 heurs, ils ont le droit de choisir quand est qu'il souhaite aller travailler, cela est un grand avantage surtout en hivers et surtout pour les agriculteurs

Domestic policy

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The flag of Aulpanne is the one on the right, it was democratically elected by the Aulpannians on July 14, 2021

The leader of the shatidom is called the "Shatidan" he has a minor role in internal politic

The Prime Minister is the first adviser of the Shatidan, he is also the internal leader of the shatidom

The mandate of a Prime Minister and a Shatidan are fixed at 3 years

Aulpanne is led by an assembly of the people, all Aulpanniens are invited to debate and propose ideas for Aulpanne which will be debated

Borders are permanently guarded by volunteers

Political parties

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Aulpanne has 5 Political parts, 1 of which cannot be deleted,

The Shatidomist Party (the one that is not possible to delete)

The Imperial Shatidomist Party

The Environmental party

The Socialist party

The Republican party

Aulpanne has several holy days (national holidays) in the year, here;

April 30; April 30 Allies

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The day Aulpanne was attacked by a virtual attack

May 8; Imperial Restoration Day

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The day when Aulpanne recovers from the attack and empire and puts back in place

June 5 ; The defense day

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This day when Aulpanne tests his first virtual attack weapon

June 15 ; the Holy-Blood day

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Aulpanne avenges the attack she suffered

June 21 ; music day

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music day is celebrated every june 21st

July 11 ; Aulpannian People day

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Day of Shatidom Proclamation

July 14 ; National Day

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July 14 was chosen to celebrate the "yellows" (the shatidomists and the flag)

July 30 ; Territory first

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Day chosen to celebrate the first territorial government of Aulpanne represented by a flag on Aulpannian soil (flag which is still present today)

October 20 ; sentimental rights day

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Sentimental rights day, the only day of the year when no one eats Aulpanne, tradition has it that Aulpanniens prepare a big meal to lend it tomorrow

November 3 ; Autosuffisance day

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it's a day when the Aulpannians all give themselves to each other, he shares everything, the Aulpannians are forced to accept someone when he knocks on their door, they can't refuse anything

November 20 ; children's day

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the equivalent of Halloween

24 december ; christ day

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The Aulpannian pray and go to mass

31 December ; change day

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Official language

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The Aulpannians speak French because the territory of Aulpanne was in France, but nothing in the constitution formalizes that the French language is the official language, the official language of Aulpanne is therefore the Aulpannian

The majority of Aulpanniens live from agriculture and/or fish trade, Aulpanne is very rural and each inhabitant knows how to milk a cow, make a bridge in a few hours, pick an apple and grow wheat, life is punctuated by the seasons, all days the church resounds at the arrival evening star

Aulpanne does not officially have a school, the children cross the border to go to school

Currently the Aulpanniens continue to drive by car, the management committee affirms, in accordance with their values, that the cars will be gradually replaced by horses and that the dirt roads will be rebuilt in order to give a more shatidomist air to Aulpanne

public transport

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Buses using Aulpanne are controlled at the border and authorized to pass until a reaction from the macronation, with regard to public transport Aulpannien, a new road will be rebuilt after 2023

Foreign relations

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Territories recognized as Sovereign and Independent by Aulpanne

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Territories with mutual recognition relations with Aulpanne

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Aulpanne a 3 média officiel et indépendant du comité, le premier s'intitule "l'Aulpannienne (chaine journalière)" une chaine journalière diffusant dans les journaux et à la radio télévisé

la seconde "A.L.N Humour" une chaine télévisé indépendante qui diffuse des programmes cours d'humour entre 11h et 14h

the third "Nuit assit" an independent television channel which broadcasts comedy programs at night and films of Aulpannian life between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m.

National Emblem

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the national emblem of Aulpanne is Black eagl

National Sport

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Aulpanne has two national sports, among these there is one called la diesse, a sport or rather a fun at the national level, the game consists of shooting at a specific point at several

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hundred to put with a mythical weapon called in Aulpanne, the artisanal rifle, this artisanal rifle even if it does not look like, has the aim of shooting far, the man shooting the most precisely wins the game, the devoted population in the art of war, the record is now established at 193 puts and a red scors, the red scord being the second smallest point, for the moment the sport is not structured, there is no no local team there is nothing, it's just a hobby to do in the summer, generally the practitioners of this sport are men over 40, young people under 25 need a license and a white file in the psychatrie

the photo being shown on the side is not contractual

Date of Foundation

Army rank

Democracy index

Our official moto

Coat of Arms

Fire laws

Legality of alcohol

tobacco laws

CGSC (22th : high)


To contact us

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the email of Aulpanne are ;

Website of Aulpanne are :

Twitter of Aulpanne are ;

Microwiki page of Aulpanne are ;