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I - Astronomie

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  • Histoire de l'astronomie ancienne, Volume 2. Jean Baptiste Joseph Delambre. [1]
  • Histoire de l'astronomie au dix-huitième siècle ; par M. Delambre ... Jean Baptiste Joseph Delambre, Claude Louis Mathieu. [2]
  • Histoire de l'astronomie moderne, Volume 1. Jean Baptiste Joseph Delambre. [3]
  • Histoire de l'astronomie moderne, Volume 2. Jean Baptiste Joseph Delambre. [4]
  • Œuvres complètes de François Arago, Volume 3. François Arago, Jean Augustin Barral. [5]
  • Précis de l'histoire de l'astronomie. Pierre Simon Laplace. [6]
  • Éloge de Isaac Newton par Fontenelle - Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences - Année 1727. [7]


II - Bouddhisme

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Bouddhisme tibétain

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Six yogas de Naropa

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  • Claire lumière de félicité la Pratique du Mahamoudra dans le Bouddhisme ... . Kelsang Gyatso. [8]
  • Le Mahamoudra du tantra. Guéshé Kelsang Gyatso. [9]
  • The Bliss of Inner Fire: Heart Practice of the Six Yogas of Naropa. Thubten Yeshe, Robina Courtin, Ailsa Cameron. [10]
  • Tibetan yoga and secret doctrines or seven books : of wisdom of the great path. W. Y. Evans-Wentz. [11]

Livre des morts tibétains

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  • The Tibetan book of the dead: or, The after-death experiences on the Bardo .... Karma-gliṅ-pa, W. Y. Evans-Wentz. [12]

III - Philosophie indienne

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  • Essais sur la philosophie des Hindous. Partie 1. Henry Thomas Colebrooke, Guillaume Pauthier [13]
  • The Six Systems of Indian Philosophy. Friedrich Max Muller [14]

Advaïta Vedanta

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Textes traditionnels

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  • Atma Bodha de Adi Sankaracharya. [15]
  • The Sánkhya káriká, or Memorial verses on the Sánkhya philosophy tr. by H.T Colebrooke .Īśvarakṛṣṇa, Gauḍapāda. [16]
  • The Āgamaśāstra of Gauḍapāda. Gauḍapāda Ācārya, Vidhushekhara Bhattacharya. [17]
  • Viveka Chudamani Or Crest Jewel of Wisdom of Sri Sankaracharya. Mohini M. Chatterji [18]

Ouvrages occidentaux

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  • Immortelle concience.Paul Brunton, Ramana Maharshi. [19]
  • Qu'est-ce que l'Advaita Vedanta?. Eliot Deutsch. [20]

Textes traditionnels

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  • The Sankhya Kárika: or, Memorial verses on the Sánkhya philosophy. Henry Thomas Colebrooke, Gauḍapāda Ācārya, Horace Hayman Wilson, Oriental Translation Fund. [21]

Textes traditionnels

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  • Brahma Sutra. Swami Sivananda [22]

Texte traditionnel

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  • The Yoga Sutras of Patańjali. Patańjali, James Haughton Woods. [23]
  • Yoga Sutras. Denis Hill. [24]

Autres textes

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  • Hatha Yoga (textes fondamentaux)
  1. Hatha Yoga Pradipika - Sanskrit Text with English Translatlion and Notes. Pancham Singh. [25]
  2. The Gheranda samhita: the original Sanskrit and an English translation. James Mallinson. [26]
  3. The Shiva samhita: a critical edition and an English translation. James Mallinson. [27]

Ouvrages contemporains

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  • A history of yoga. Vivian Worthington. [28]

IV - Upanishads

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  • Vue d'ensemble des 108 upanishads. [29]
  • Catalogue. [30]

Upanishads majeures

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  • The Ísá, Kéna, Katha, Praśna, Muṇḍa, Máṇḍukya Upanishads: The Ísá, Kéna .... Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1850. [31]

Upanishads mineures

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Upanishads générales (Samanayayuvedanta Upanishads)

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  • Sarva Sara Upanishad. [32] (Définition de 23 concepts majeurs liés au Vedanta)

Upanishads du Yoga (Yoga Upanishads)

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  • Yoga Chudamani Upanishad. [33]
  • Yoga Kundalini Upanishad. [34]
  • Yoga Shikha Upanishad. [35]
  • Yoga Upanishad. Ayyangar, 1938. [36]


V - Technologie

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  • Ethernet: the definitive guide. Charles E. Spurgeon. [[37]
  • IEEE 802.11 handbook: a designer's companion. Bob O'Hara, Al Petrick. [38]
  • -


VI - Divers

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  • Encyclopaedia of the Hindu world. Gaṅgā Rām Garg. [39]


  • Claiming Knowledge: Strategies of Epistemology from Theosophy to the New Age. Olav Hammer. [40]
  • Companion to Tantra. S.C. Banerji. Abhinav Publications, 2007. [41]
  • Hinduism: Analytical Study. Amulya Mohapatra. [42]
  • Les livres sacrés de toutes les religions sauf la Bible, Volume 2. Jean Pierre Guillaume Pauthier, Gustave Brunet, Jacques-Paul Migne. [43]
  • Paths to The Divine: Ancient and Indian. George McLean, Vensus A. George. [44]
  • Shakti and Shakta. Sir John Woodroffe. [45]
  • The serpent power: being the Ṣaṭ-cakra-nirūpana and Pādukā-pañcaka: two .... Arthur Avalon, Sir John George Woodroffe, Kālīcaraṇa. [46]
  • Theory and practice of yoga: essays in honour of Gerald James Larson. Gerald James Larson, Knut A. Jacobsen. [47]

VII - Liens

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Liens internes

Liens externes

  • sa.wikipedia (Wikipédia en sanskrit). [48]



  • Sanskrit INRIA. [53]

Professeurs, chercheurs, spécialistes

  • Eliot Deutsch. [54]
  • Gerald J. Larson. [55]
  • Gérard Huet. [56]

Conférences, Symposiums

Ressources Vidéo

  • An interview with an Indian Swami of the Patanjali Raja Yoga tradition. [59]