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Une page de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Copy the source between the <source> tags.

# filename:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__module_name__ = "wmlinksubber" 
__module_version__ = "0.0.8c" 
__module_description__ = "Replaces [[links like this]] with the appropriate URL"
__module_author__ = "[[de:Benutzer:Andre Riemann]], [[en:User:Jeronim]], [[fr:Utilisateur:FoeNyx]], [[fr:Utilisateur:Fmaunier]]"

debug = False

import re
import urllib
import os.path
import xchat

directory = xchat.get_info("xchatdir") + "/"
if directory == "/":
	directory = "./"
mappingfilename = directory + ".ircwikimapping.txt"

print "Loading plugin " + __module_name__ + " ..."

def loadChanToNSMappingFromFile(mappingfilename):
	if os.path.exists(mappingfilename) :
		print "Loading channels mapping from file :\n * [%s]" % mappingfilename
		try :
			freenodeChannelsToWikipediaNamespaces = {}
			f = open(mappingfilename)
			for line in f:
				line = line.strip()
				if not line.startswith("//") :
					line = line.replace("'","").replace('"',"")
					chan,namespace,encoding = line.split(";")
					freenodeChannelsToWikipediaNamespaces[chan.strip()] = {
			return freenodeChannelsToWikipediaNamespaces
			print "Impossible to load file [%s], probably misformated" % mappingfilename
			return None
		print "No customized channels to namespace mapping file found." 
		return None

def saveChanToNSMappingIntoFile(mappingfilename, mapChanToNS):
		print "Saving custom channel mapping into [%s]" % mappingfilename
		lines = "// This file is used by wmsublinker xchat python plugin to map irc channels to wikimedia namespaces.\n"
		for key, value in mapChanToNS.items():
			chan = key
			namespace = value["namespace"]
			encoding = value["chan-encoding"]
			lines += "'%s';'%s';'%s'\n" % (chan,namespace,encoding)

		f = open(mappingfilename, "w")
		print "Impossible to save into file [%s]" % mappingfilename
		return False

def subwmlinks(word, word_eol, userdata):
	channel = xchat.get_info("channel")
	defaultURL = None
	isUTF8 = False
		defaultURL = freenodeChannelsToWikipediaURL[channel]
		if debug: print defaultURL
		if not defaultURL :
			return xchat.EAT_NONE
		if debug: print "not a registered channel"
		return xchat.EAT_NONE

        event, pos = userdata
        subbedchunks = []
        changed = False

                chunks = re_link.split(word[pos])
        except IndexError:
                return xchat.EAT_NONE
        for chunk in chunks:
		# if chunk is a [[something]]
                if re_link.match(chunk):			
                        linktext = chunk[2:-2]
			caption = ""
				for x in range(len(linktext)) :
					if (linktext[x] == "|"):
						caption = " " + linktext[x+1:]
						linktext = linktext[:x]						
			linktext = linktext.replace(" ","_")
			linktext = urllib.quote(linktext,":/#@")

			# lets test if it's an external wiki
			matchobj = re_interOtherWikis.match(linktext,0)
			if matchobj:
				linktext = linktext.replace("_","%20") 
				nameSpace ="namespace")
				urlWiki = otherWikiNamespaces[nameSpace]
				subbedchunks.append('(' +
						    color + "8"
						    + re_interOtherWikis.sub(urlWiki, linktext)
						    + caption 
						    + reset_color + ')')
				# now lets test if it's an wikimedia projects interwiki
				found = False
				for reNS in wikimediaNamespaceMapOrder:
					if not found and reNS.match(linktext):
						subbedchunks.append('(' +
								    color + "7"
								    + reNS.sub(wikimediaNamespaceMap[reNS],linktext)
								    + caption
								    + reset_color + ')')
						found = True
				# else we use the default channel mapping
				if not found:
					subbedchunks.append('(' +
							    color + "9" + defaultURL +
							    linktext +
							    caption + 
							    reset_color + ')')
                        changed = True
        if changed:
                xchat.emit_print(event, nick, "".join(subbedchunks))
                return xchat.EAT_XCHAT
                return xchat.EAT_NONE

re_link = re.compile(r'(\[\[[^\[\]]+\]\])')

freenodeChannelsToWikipediaNamespaces = {
		#chan encoding is not used yet by this script
		"#wikimedia"            : {"namespace": "m:"      ,     "chan-encoding": "UTF-8"         },
                "#wikimania"            : {"namespace": "wikimania:",   "chan-encoding": "UTF-8"         },
                "#quarto"               : {"namespace": "quarto:" ,     "chan-encoding": "UTF-8"         },
                "#wikipedia"            : {"namespace": "w:en:"   ,     "chan-encoding": "UTF-8"         },
                "#mediawiki"            : {"namespace": "m:"      ,     "chan-encoding": ""              },
                "#mediawiki-dev"        : {"namespace": "m:"      ,     "chan-encoding": ""              },
                "#wikimedia-tech"       : {"namespace": "m:"      ,     "chan-encoding": ""              },
                "#wikinews"             : {"namespace": "n:en:"   ,     "chan-encoding": ""              },
                "#wikiquote"            : {"namespace": "q:en:"   ,     "chan-encoding": "UTF-8"         },
                "#wikimedia-commons"    : {"namespace": "commons:",     "chan-encoding": "UTF-8"         },
                "#wiktionary"           : {"namespace": "wikt:en:",     "chan-encoding": "UTF-8"         },
                "#wikibooks"            : {"namespace": "b:en:"   ,     "chan-encoding": "UTF-8"         },
                "#als.wikipedia"        : {"namespace": "w:als:"  ,     "chan-encoding": "UTF-8"         },
                "#ar.wikipedia"         : {"namespace": "w:ar:"   ,     "chan-encoding": ""              },
                "#bg.wikipedia"         : {"namespace": "w:bg:"   ,     "chan-encoding": ""              },
                "#wikipedia-cs"         : {"namespace": "w:cs:"   ,     "chan-encoding": "UTF-8"         },
                "#wikipedia-da"         : {"namespace": "w:da:"   ,     "chan-encoding": ""              },
                "#wikipedia-de"         : {"namespace": "w:de:"   ,     "chan-encoding": "UTF-8"         },
                "#de.wikinews"          : {"namespace": "n:de:"   ,     "chan-encoding": ""              },
                "#wikipedia-en"         : {"namespace": "w:en:"   ,     "chan-encoding": "UTF-8"         },
                "#wikipedia-en-vandalism" : {"namespace": "w:en:" ,     "chan-encoding": "UTF-8"         },
                "#wikipedia-es"         : {"namespace": "w:es:"   ,     "chan-encoding": "UTF-8"         },
                "#wikipedia-fi"         : {"namespace": "w:fi:"   ,     "chan-encoding": "ISO-8859-1"    },
                "#wikipedia-fr"         : {"namespace": "w:fr:"   ,     "chan-encoding": "UTF-8"         },
                "#vandalism-fr-wp"      : {"namespace": "w:fr:"   ,     "chan-encoding": "UTF-8"         },
                "#hi.wikipedia"         : {"namespace": "w:hi:"   ,     "chan-encoding": ""              },
                "#is.wikipedia"         : {"namespace": "w:is:"   ,     "chan-encoding": "UTF-8"         },
                "#it.wikipedia"         : {"namespace": "w:it:"   ,     "chan-encoding": "UTF-8"         },
                "#wikinews-it"          : {"namespace": "n:it:"   ,     "chan-encoding": ""              },
                "#ja.wikipedia"         : {"namespace": "w:ja:"   ,     "chan-encoding": "ISO-2022-JP"   },
                "#ja.wikiquote"         : {"namespace": "q:ja:"   ,     "chan-encoding": "ISO-2022-JP"   },
                "#ja.wikinews"          : {"namespace": "n:ja:"   ,     "chan-encoding": "ISO-2022-JP"   },
                "#wikipedia-ko"         : {"namespace": "w:ko:"   ,     "chan-encoding": "UTF-8"         },
                "#wikipedia-nl"         : {"namespace": "w:nl:"   ,     "chan-encoding": ""              },
                "#wikipedia-no"         : {"namespace": "w:no:"   ,     "chan-encoding": ""              },
                "#wikipedia-pl"         : {"namespace": "w:pl:"   ,     "chan-encoding": "UTF-8"         },
                "#pt.wikipedia"         : {"namespace": "w:pt:"   ,     "chan-encoding": "UTF-8"         },
                "#ro.wikipedia"         : {"namespace": "w:ro:"   ,     "chan-encoding": ""              },
                "#ru.wikipedia"         : {"namespace": "w:ru:"   ,     "chan-encoding": "UTF-8"         },
                "#simple.wikipedia"     : {"namespace": "w:simple:",    "chan-encoding": ""              },
                "#sk.wikipedia"         : {"namespace": "w:sk:"   ,     "chan-encoding": "UTF-8"         },
                "#sq.wikipedia"         : {"namespace": "w:sq:"   ,     "chan-encoding": "UTF-8"         },
                "#wikipedia-sr"         : {"namespace": "w:sr:"   ,     "chan-encoding": ""              },
                "#wikipedia-sv"         : {"namespace": "w:sv:"   ,     "chan-encoding": "UTF-8"         },
                "#wikipedia-tr"         : {"namespace": "w:tr:"   ,     "chan-encoding": ""              },
                "#vi.wikipedia"         : {"namespace": "w:vi:"   ,     "chan-encoding": ""              },
                "#wikinews-en"          : {"namespace": "n:en:"   ,     "chan-encoding": ""              },
                "#wikinews-pl"          : {"namespace": "n:pl:"   ,     "chan-encoding": ""              },
                "#wikislownik"          : {"namespace": "wikt:pl:",     "chan-encoding": "UTF-8"         },
                "#wiktionary-fr"        : {"namespace": "wikt:fr:",     "chan-encoding": "UTF-8"         },

# Check for an existing customized mapping Channel To Wiki namespace and load it
personalconfig = loadChanToNSMappingFromFile(mappingfilename)
if personalconfig :

languagesList = [ "aa", "ab", "af", "ak", "als", "am", "an", "ang", "ar", "arc", "as", "ast", "av", "ay", "az", "ba", "be", "bg", "bh", "bi", "bm", "bn", "bo", "br", "bs", "ca", "ce", "ceb", "ch", "cho", "chr", "chy", "closed-zh-tw", "co", "cr", "cs", "csb", "cv", "cy", "da", "de", "dv", "dz", "ee", "el", "en", "eo", "es", "et", "eu", "fa", "ff", "fi", "fiu-vro", "fj", "fo", "fr", "fur", "fy", "ga", "gd", "gl", "gn", "got", "gu", "gv", "ha", "haw", "he", "hi", "ho", "hr", "ht", "hu", "hy", "hz", "ia", "id", "ie", "ig", "ii", "ik", "ilo", "io", "is", "it", "iu", "ja", "jbo", "jv", "ka", "kg", "ki", "kj", "kk", "kl", "km", "kn", "ko", "kr", "ks", "ku", "kv", "kw", "ky", "la", "lad", "lb", "lg", "li", "ln", "lo", "lt", "lv", "mg", "mh", "mi", "mk", "ml", "mn", "mo", "mr", "ms", "mt", "mus", "my", "na", "nah", "nap", "nds", "ne", "ng", "nl", "nn", "no", "nv", "ny", "oc", "om", "or", "os", "pa", "pam", "pi", "pl", "ps", "pt", "qu", "rm", "rn", "ro", "roa-rup", "ru", "rw", "sa", "sc", "scn", "sco", "sd", "se", "sg", "sh", "si", "simple", "sk", "sl", "sm", "sn", "so", "sq", "sr", "ss", "st", "su", "sv", "sw", "ta", "te", "tg", "th", "ti", "tk", "tl", "tlh", "tn", "to", "tokipona", "tpi", "tr", "ts", "tt", "tum", "tw", "ty", "ug", "uk", "ur", "uz", "ve", "vi", "vo", "wa", "war", "wo", "xh", "yi", "yo", "za", "zh", "zh-min-nan", "zu" ]

# projects where there is a sub-project per language 
# → [[project:lang:article]], [[project:article]], [[project-shorcut:lang:article]], [[project-shorcut:article]]
wikimediaMainProjects = {
	"wikipedia" 	: "w",
	"wiktionary" 	: "wikt",
	"wikibooks" 	: "b",
	"wikinews" 	: "n",
	"wikiquote"	: "q",
	"wikisource" 	: "s"

#namespace pattern to url pattern
# (%s) is for lang list
# Try to substitute the longer pattern before the shorter or it will match the shorter first
wikimediaProjectsMapOrder = []

for name, shortcut in wikimediaMainProjects.items() :
	wikimediaProjectsMapOrder += [
		'(%s:(%%s)):(.*)' % name, '(%s):(.*)' % name,	'(%s:(%%s)):(.*)' % shortcut, '(%s):(.*)' % shortcut

wikimediaProjectsMapOrder += [
	'(meta):(.*)', 		'(m):(.*)',
	# misc
	'(commons):(.*)',	'(foundation):(.*)', 	'(grants):(.*)', 
	'(species):(.*)',	'(internal):(.*)',	'(nostalgia):(.*)',
	'(sep11):(.*)',		'(wikimania):(.*)',
	# the last one is a tricky one for ppl who forget the w: before language (as in interwiki)

wikimediaProjectsMap = {
	'(meta):(.*)'		: '\\2',
	'(m):(.*)'		: '\\2',
	# project without shorcut
	'(commons):(.*)'	: '\\2',	
	'(species):(.*)'	: '\\2',
	'(foundation):(.*)'	: '\\2', 	
	'(grants):(.*)'		: '\\2', 
	'(internal):(.*)'	: '\\2',
	'(nostalgia):(.*)'	: '\\2',
	'(sep11):(.*)'		: '\\2',
	'(wikimania):(.*)'	: '\\2',
	# lang is given but no project shorcut, default → wikipedia
	'(%s):(.*)'		: 'http://\\\\2'

for name, shortcut in wikimediaMainProjects.items() :
	wikimediaProjectsMap['(%s:(%%s)):(.*)' % name ]     = 'http://\\\\3' % name # project:lang:article
	wikimediaProjectsMap['(%s):(.*)'       % name ]     = '\\2' % name # project:article
	wikimediaProjectsMap['(%s:(%%s)):(.*)' % shortcut ] = 'http://\\\\3' % name # shortcut:lang:article
	wikimediaProjectsMap['(%s):(.*)'       % shortcut ] = '\\2' % name # shortcut:article

#the list of language pipe separated
patternLang = ""
first = True
for lang in languagesList:
	if first :
		first = False
		patternLang = patternLang + "|"
	patternLang = patternLang + lang

# The non mediawiki Wikies
otherWikiNamespaces = {
	# As of 10 October 2005 :
	'AbbeNormal' :		'\\2',
	'AcadWiki' :		'\\2',
	'Acronym' :		'\\2',
	'Advogato' :		'\\2',
	'Airwarfare' :		'\\2',
	'AIWiki' :		'\\2',
	'AjaxXAB' :		'\\2',
	'ALife' :		'\\2',
	'AllWiki' :		'\\2',
	'Annotation' :		'\\2',
	'AnnotationWiki' :	'\\2',
	'ArchiveCompress' :	'\\2',
	'ArchiveStream' :	'\\2',
	'arXiv' :		'\\2',
	'AspieNetWiki' :	'\\2 ',
	'BattlestarWiki' :	'\\2',
	'BEMI' :		'\\2',
	'BenefitsWiki' :	'\\2',
	'BluWiki' :		'\\2',
	'BmpCN' :		'\\2 ',
	'Boxrec' :		'\\2 ',
	'BrasilWiki' :		'\\2',
	'BrazilWiki' :		'\\2',
	'BrickWiki' :		'\\2',
	'BridgesWiki' :		'\\2',
	'BSWiki' :		'\\2',
	'bugzilla' :		'\\2',
	'Bytesmiths' :		'\\2',
	'C2' :			'\\2',
	'C2find' :		'\\2',
	'Cache' :		'\\2',
	'CanyonWiki' :		'\\2',
	'ĈEJ' :			'\\2',
	'Changemakers' :	'\\2',
	'CheatsWiki' :		'\\2',
	'ChEJ' :		'\\2',
	'Ciscavate' :		'\\2',
	'CityHall' :		'\\2',
	'CLiki' :		'\\2',
	'CmWiki' :		'\\2',
	'CodersBase' :		'\\2',
	'CoLab' :		'',
	'Comixpedia' :		'\\2',
	'CommunityScheme' :	'\\2',
	'Consciousness' :	'',
	'CorpKnowPedia' :	'\\2',
	'cPanelWiki' :		'\\2',
	'CraftedByCarol' :	'\\2',
	'CrazyHacks' :		'\\2',
	'CreationMatters' :	'\\2',
	'CreaturesWiki' :	'\\2',
	'CxEJ' :		'\\2',
	'DAwiki' :		'\\2',
	'DCDatabase' :		'\\2',
	'DejaNews' :		'\\2',
	'Delicious' :		'\\2',
	'Demokraatia' :		'',
	'Devmo' :		'',
	'Dictionary' :		'*&Form=Dict1&Strategy=*&Query=\\2',
	'Disinfopedia' :	'\\2',
	'DiveIntoOsx' :		'\\2',
	'DocBook' :		'\\2',
	'DolphinWiki' :		'\\2',
	'DRAE' :		'\\2',
	'DrumCorpsWiki' :	'\\2',
	'DwellersWiki' :	'\\2',
	'DWJWiki' :		'\\2',
	'EB' :			'\\2',
	'EBWiki' :		'\\2',
	'EĉeI' :		'\\2',
	'EcheI' :		'\\2',
	'Echolink' :		'\\2',
	'EcxeI' :		'\\2',
	'ED' :			'\\2',
	'EditCount' :		'\\2',
	'EfnetCeeWiki' :	'\\2',
	'EfnetCppWiki' :	'\\2',
	'EfnetPythonWiki' :	'\\2',
	'EfnetXmlWiki' :	'\\2',
	'ELibre' :		'\\2',
	'EljWiki' :		'\\2',
	'EmacsWiki' :		'\\2',
	'EnergieWiki' :		'\\2',
	'EoKulturCentro' :	'\\2',
	'EvoWiki' :		'\\2',
	'FanimutationWiki' :	'\\2',
	'FET' :			'\\2',
	'FinalEmpire' :		'\\2',
	'FIRSTwiki' :		'\\2',
	'Foldoc' :		'\\2',
	'ForthFreak' :		'\\2 ',
	'FoxWiki' :		'\\2',
	'' :		'\\2',
	'' :		'\\2',
	'' :		'\\2',
	'' :		'\\2',
	'FreeBio' :		'\\2',
	'FreeBSDman' :		'\\2',
	'FreekiWiki' :		'\\2',
	'front' :		'\\2',
	'GameWiki' :		'\\2',
	'GaussWiki' :		'\\2',
	'GEJ' :			'\\2',
	'Gentoo-Wiki' :		'\\2',
	'GlenCookWiki' :	'\\2',
	'GlobalVoices' :	'\\2',
	'GlossarWiki' :		'\\2',
	'GlossaryWiki' :	'\\2',
	'GmailWiki' :		'\\2',
	'Google' :		'\\2',
	'GoogleGroups' :	'\\2',
	'GotAMac' :		'\\2',
	'GreenCheese' :		'\\2',
	'Guildwiki' :		'\\2',
	'H2Wiki' :		'\\2',
	'HammondWiki' :		'\\2',
	'Haribeau' :		'\\2',
	'HerzKinderWiki' :	'\\2',
	'HeWikisource' :	'\\2',
	'HolshamTraders' :	'\\2',
	'HRWiki' :		'\\2',
	'IAWiki' :		'\\2',
	'IMDbName' :		'\\2',
	'IMDbTitle' :		'\\2',
	'Infosecpedia' :	'\\2',
	'Iuridictum' :		'\\2',
	'JamesHoward' :		'\\2',
	'JargonFile' :		'\\2',
	'JavaNet' :		'\\2',
	'Javapedia' :		'\\2',
	'JEFO' :		'\\2',
	'JiniWiki' :		'\\2',
	'JspWiki' :		'\\2',
	'JSTOR' :		'\\2',
	'Karlsruhe' :		'\\2',
	'KDE' :			'\\2',
	'KerimWiki' :		'\\2',
	'KinoWiki' :		'\\2',
	'KmWiki' :		'\\2',
	'KnowHow' :		'\\2',
	'KontuWiki' :		'\\2',
	'LanifexWiki' :		'\\2',
	'LinuxWiki' :		'\\2',
	'LinuxWikiDe' :		'\\2',
	'LISWiki' :		'\\2',
	'Lojban' :		'\\2',
	'LQWiki' :		'\\2',
	'LugKR' :		'\\2',
	'LutherWiki' :		'\\2',
	'LVwiki' :		'\\2',
	'M-W' :			'\\2',
	'Mail' :		'\\2',
	'MarvelDatabase' :	'\\2',
	'MathSongsWiki' :	'\\2',
	'MbTest' :		'\\2',
	'MeatBall' :		'\\2',
	'MediaWiki' :		'\\2',
	'MediaZilla' :		'\\2',
	'MemoryAlpha' :		'\\2',
	'MetaReciclagem' :	'\\2',
	'Metaweb' :		'\\2',
	'MetaWiki' :		'\\2',
	'Mineralienatlas' :	'\\2',
	'MoinMoin' :		'\\2',
	'MozCom' :		'\\2',
	'MozillaWiki' :		'\\2',
	'MozillaZineKB' :	'\\2',
	'MozWiki' :		'\\2',
	'MusicBrainz' :		'\\2',
	'MuWeb' :		'\\2',
	'MW' :			'\\2',
	'MWOD' :		'\\2',
	'MWOT' :		'\\2',
	'MyTips' :		'\\2',
	'NetVillage' :		'\\2',
	'Nomad' :		'\\2',
	'NSwiki' :		'\\2',
	'OEIS' :		'\\2',
	'OldWikisource' :	'\\2',
	'OneLook' :		'\\2',
	'OpenFacts' :		'\\2',
	'OpenSourceSportsDirectory' :	'\\2',
	'OpenWetWare' :		'\\2',
	'OpenWiki' :		'\\2',
	'Opera7Wiki' :		'\\2',
	'OrganicDesign' :	'\\2',
	'OrgPatterns' :		'\\2',
	#'OSI reference model' :	'\\2', # Space in name space odd behaviour
	'OurMedia' :		'\\2',
	'PangalacticOrg' :	'\\2',
	'PatWIKI' :		'\\2',
	'PersonalTelco' :	'\\2',
	'PhpWiki' :		'\\2',
	'Pikie' :		'\\2',
	'PMEG' :		'\\2.php',
	'PMWiki' :		'\\2',
	'PPR' :			'\\2',
	'PPRCGI' :		'\\2',
	'PurlNet' :		'\\2',
	'PythonInfo' :		'\\2',
	'PythonWiki' :		'\\2',
	'PyWiki' :		'\\2',
	'QuakeWiki' :		'\\2',
	'Qwiki' :		'\\2',
	'r3000' :		'\\2',
	'Raec' :		'\\2',
	'RedWiki' :		'\\2',
	'ReVo' :		'\\2.html',
	'RFC' :			'\\2.txt',
	'RoboWiki' :		'\\2',
	'RoWiki' :		'\\2',
	'rtfm' :		'\\2',
	'S23Wiki' :		'\\2',
	'Scoutpedia' :		'\\2',
	'SeaPig' :		'\\2',
	'SeattleWiki' :		'\\2',
	'SeattleWireless' :	'\\2',
	'SEEDS' :		'\\2',
	'SenseisLibrary' :	'\\2',
	'Shakti' :		'\\2',
	'SiliconValley' :	'\\2',
	'Slashdot' :		'\\2',
	'Slashdot:User' :	'\\2',
	'slskrex' :		'\\2',
	'SMikipedia' :		'\\2',
	'SockWiki' :		'\\2',
	'SourceForge' :		'\\2',
	'SourceXtreme' :	'\\2',
	'Squeak' :		'\\2',
	'Stockphotoss' :	'\\2',
	'StrikiWiki' :		'\\2',
	'Susning' :		'\\2',
	'SVGWiki' :		'\\2',
	'SwinBrain' :		'\\2',
	'TabWiki' :		'\\2',
	'taki' :		'\\2',
	'Takipedia' :		'\\2',
	'tamriel' :		'\\2',
	'Tavi' :		'\\2',
	'TclersWiki' :		'\\2',
	'Technorati' :		'\\2',
	'TEJO' :		'\\2',
	'TerrorWiki' :		'\\2',
	'TESOLTaiwan' :		'\\2',
	#'The Windows Documentation Project' :		'\\2', # Space in name space odd behaviour
	'Thelemapedia' :	'\\2',
	'Theo' :		'\\2',
	'Theopedia' :		'\\2',
	'TheoWiki' :		'\\2',
	'ThinkWiki' :		'\\2',
	'TibiaWiki' :		'\\2',
	'TMBW' :		'\\2',
	'TmNet' :		'\\2',
	'TMwiki' :		'\\2',
	'Toyah' :		'\\2',
	'Turismo' :		'\\2',
	'TWiki' :		'\\2',
	'TwistedWiki' :		'\\2',
	'UD' :			'\\2',
	'UEA' :			'\\2',
	'UFS' :			'\\2',
	'Uncyclopedia' :	'\\2',
	'Underverse' :		'\\2',
	'Unreal' :		'\\2',
	'Ursine' :		'\\2',
	'USEJ' :		'\\2',
	'UseMod' :		'\\2',
	'VillageArts' :		'\\2',
	'VisualWorks' :		'\\2',
	'VKoL' :		'\\2',
	'WarpedView' :		'\\2',
	'WebDevWikiNL' :	'\\2',
	'Webisodes' :		'\\2',
	'WebSeitzWiki' :	'\\2',
	'Why' :			'\\2',
	'Wiki' :		'\\2',
	'Wikia' :		'\\2',
	'Wikicities' :		'\\2',
	'WikiF1' :		'\\2',
	'WikiFur' :		'\\2',
	'WikiKto' :		'\\2',
	'Wikinfo' :		'\\2',
	'Wikinurse' :		'\\2',
	'Wikipaltz' :		'\\2',
#	'Wikipedia' :		'\\2',
	'WikipediaWikipedia' :	'\\2',
	'Wikireason' :		'\\2',
	'wikisophia' :		'\\2',
	'WikiTI' :		'\\2',
	'WikiTravel' :		'\\2',
	'WikiTree' :		'\\2',
	'wikiveg' :		'\\2',
	'WikiWikiWeb' :		'\\2',
	'WikiWorld' :		'\\2',
	'Wipipedia' :		'\\2',
	'WLUG' :		'\\2',
	'WLWiki' :		'\\2',
	'Wmania' :		'\\2',
	'World66' :		'\\2',
	'WoWWiki' :		'\\2',
	'Wqy' :			'\\2',
	'WurmPedia' :		'\\2',
	'WZNAN' :		'\\2',
	'YpsiEyeball' :		'\\2',
	'ZRHwiki' :		'\\2',
	'ZUM' :			'\\2',
	'ZWiki' :		'\\2',
	##'ZZZ Wiki' :		'\\2' # Space in name space odd behaviour

# build otherWiki regexp pattern
re_interOtherWikis = ""
pattern = "%s|%s"
for wiki in otherWikiNamespaces.keys():
	re_interOtherWikis = pattern % (re_interOtherWikis, wiki)
pattern = "(?P<namespace>%s):(?P<text>.*)" % re_interOtherWikis[1:]
if debug : print "re_interOtherWikis :", pattern
re_interOtherWikis = re.compile(pattern)

#then build regexp obj to url pattern
wikimediaNamespaceMapOrder = []
wikimediaNamespaceMap = {}	
for pattern in wikimediaProjectsMapOrder:
	url = wikimediaProjectsMap[pattern]
		pattern = pattern % patternLang
	if debug : print pattern
	re_interWikis = re.compile(pattern)
	wikimediaNamespaceMap[re_interWikis] = url

# build channel to url map according to wikimediaProjectsMap and otherWikiNamespaces
freenodeChannelsToWikipediaURL = {}

def buildChannelToURL(chan="",chanNS=""):
	# check in mediawiki namespaces
	for reNS in wikimediaNamespaceMapOrder:
		if reNS.match(chanNS):
			freenodeChannelsToWikipediaURL[chan] = reNS.sub(wikimediaNamespaceMap[reNS],chanNS)
			if debug : print chan, freenodeChannelsToWikipediaURL[chan]
			return True

	# check in other wiki namespace
	matchobj = re_interOtherWikis.match(chanNS)
	if matchobj:
		nameSpace ="namespace")
		urlWiki = otherWikiNamespaces[nameSpace]				
		freenodeChannelsToWikipediaURL[chan] = re_interOtherWikis.sub(urlWiki, chanNS)
		return False
	return True

for chan in freenodeChannelsToWikipediaNamespaces.keys():
	chanNS = freenodeChannelsToWikipediaNamespaces[chan]["namespace"]
	buildChannelToURL(chan, chanNS)
if debug : print freenodeChannelsToWikipediaURL

def changeNamespace(word, word_eol, userdata): 
	channel = xchat.get_info("channel")
	#print channel
	if len(word) < 2:		
		if channel in freenodeChannelsToWikipediaNamespaces.keys():
			print ("Current default namespace for %s channel is %s" %
			       (channel, freenodeChannelsToWikipediaNamespaces[channel]["namespace"] ))
			print "No current wiki namespace enabled for this channel"
		namespace = word_eol[1]
		#print namespace
		if namespace == "None":
			del freenodeChannelsToWikipediaNamespaces[channel]
			del freenodeChannelsToWikipediaURL[channel]
			print "Default wiki namespace for %s channel have been removed" % channel
			saveChanToNSMappingIntoFile(mappingfilename, freenodeChannelsToWikipediaNamespaces)
			freenodeChannelsToWikipediaNamespaces[channel] = {"namespace":namespace, "chan-encoding":"UTF-8"}
			if buildChannelToURL(channel,namespace) :
				print "Default wiki namespace for %s channel have been set to %s" % (channel, namespace)
				saveChanToNSMappingIntoFile(mappingfilename, freenodeChannelsToWikipediaNamespaces)
				print "No wiki namespaces matching (see /LISTWNS, it's case sensitive and do not forget the trailing ':')"
	return xchat.EAT_ALL

def listAvailableNameSpace(word, word_eol, userdata):
	print "*** Available wiki namespaces ***",
	print "\n**** External wikis namespaces ****"
	for namespace in otherWikiNamespaces.keys():
		print namespace,
	print "\n**** Mediawiki namespaces ****"
	for namespace in wikimediaProjectsMap.keys():
		print namespace.replace("):(.*)","").replace('(','').replace(")","") + ":",
	print "\nwhere %s can be one of the language among :"
	for language in languagesList:
		print language,
	print #flush the buffer
	return xchat.EAT_ALL

def listEnabledNameSpaces(word, word_eol, userdata):
	print "*** Enabled wiki namespaces ***"
	print "channel".ljust(30), "namespace".ljust(30)
	for channel in freenodeChannelsToWikipediaNamespaces.keys():
		namespace = freenodeChannelsToWikipediaNamespaces[channel]["namespace"]
		print channel.ljust(30), namespace.ljust(30)
	return xchat.EAT_ALL
xchat.hook_command("DEFAULTWNS", changeNamespace,
		   help="/DEFAULTWNS [<namespace>] Print or Change the default wiki namespace for this channel. If <namespace> value is 'None' then the current mapping will be removed.") 
xchat.hook_command("LISTWNS", listAvailableNameSpace,
		   help="/LISTWNS List the available wiki namespaces") 
xchat.hook_command("MAPWNS", listEnabledNameSpaces,
		   help="/MAPWNS Show the current mapping of channels and wiki namespaces")

print "Script %s Commands : %s" %( __module_name__, "DEFAULTWNS LISTWNS MAPWNS" )

EVENTS.append(("Channel Message", 1))
EVENTS.append(("Channel Msg Hilight", 1))
# if you don't want it to replace text which ''you'' type, comment the following out ( with"#" like this line)
EVENTS.append(("Your Message", 1))
EVENTS.append(("Private Message", 1))
EVENTS.append(("Private Message to Dialog", 1))

for event in EVENTS:
        xchat.hook_print(event[0], subwmlinks, event)

reset_color ='\017'
color = '\003'
#'\0037' would be orange -> color + '7' for mediawiki
#'\0038' would be yellow -> color + '8' for otherwiki
#'\0038' would be green  -> color + '9' for localwiki

def unload(userdata):
	print "Plugin " + __module_name__ + " " + __module_version__ + " unloaded."

print "Plugin " + __module_name__ + " " + __module_version__ + " loaded."
print "This plugin script convert a [[wikilink]] to an url according to channel preferences"

# 2006-08-14, v0.0.8c (Fmaunier)
# minor tweaks :
#        + #vandalism-fr-wp

# 2005-12-18, v0.0.8b (Foenyx)
# minor tweaks :
#        + #wikipedia-en-vandalism ( as asked by [[w:en:User:Mozzerati]] )
#        - Wikipedia: namespace in external wiki link

# 2005-11-21, v0.0.8a (Foenyx)
# save the user channel mapping to a file in xchatdir rather than dcc_dir 
# do not forget to move the file if needed

# 2005-10-13, v0.0.8 (Foenyx)
# save the user channel mapping to a file
# update of : 
#	channels moved to suit with freenode naming policy (to be continued)

# 2005-10-10, v0.0.7c (Foenyx)
# update of : 
#	project namespaces (commons + wikinews were never added), 
# 	global interwikis and 
#	channels moved to suit with freenode naming policy (to be continued)

# 2004-08-01, v0.0.7 (Foenyx)
# Show the piped label in [[reference|label]]

# 2004-07-30, v0.0.6 (Foenyx)
# added per channel default wiki namespace selection,
# other wiki (non mediawiki) intermap
# and an url encode for the non ascii text
# some commands to manage mapping of current channel with namespace
# a channel need to have a default namespace to urlize the [[expr]]
# and a lot of obfuscated code :( sorry 

# 2004-06-09, v0.0.5
# added color support to point out which link was substituted
# regexp upgraded to prevent links with [ or ] inside, e.g. [[[Test]]
# brackets around the link because a link with leading [ don't acts as link

# 2003-03-29, v0.0.4
# bugfix for when pasting text with consecutive line-breaks
# the [[quick]] [[brown]] [[w:fox]] jumps
# over the [[lazy]] [[wiktionary:dog]]