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Je sert mon père Ah! Là, derrière les nuages!

Ma liste

1. Jehovah Chereb - The Lord the sword

2. El Shaddi - The Almighty God

3. El Hannun - The Gracious God

4. El Elyon - The Most High God

5. Elohim Kadoshim - The Holy God

6. El Emeth - The God of Truth

7. Elohim Azar - God my Helper

8. Elohim Yeshu'athai - God of my salvation

9. Eli Meleki - God my King

10. Elohim Bashamayim - God in Heaven

11. Jehovah Rohi - The Lord my Shepherd

12. El Emunah - The Faithful God

13. Jehovah Ori - The Lord my Light

14. El Roi - The God who sees me

15. Jehovah Go'eleck - The Lord thy Redeemer

16. Jehovah Bore' - The Lord The Creator

17. Elohim Macheslanu - God our Refuge

18. El Neqamoth - God That Avengeth

19. Jehovah Selai - The Lord My Rock

20. El Chai - The Living God

21. Jehovah Magenenu - The Lord our Defense

22. El Hakkabod - The God of Glory

23. Jehovah Jireh - The Lord shall Provide

24. Jehovah Nissi - The Lord our Banner

25. Jehovah Rapha - The Lord our Healer

26. El Olam - The Everlasting God

27. Jehovah Tsebaoth - The Lord of Hosts

28. Jehovah MIsgab - The Lord My High Tower

29. Jehovah Shalom - The Lord our Peace

30. El Rachum - The Merciful God

31. Jehovah Ma'ozi - The Lord My Strength

32. El Kanna - The Jealous God

33. Jehovah Shaphat - The Lord The Judge

34. El Nas - The Forgiving God

35. Jehovah Shammah - The Lord is Present

36. Jehovah Makkeh - The Lord That Smites

37. Jehovah T-sidkenu -The Lord our Righteousness

38. Jehovah Mekkadishkem - The Lord our Sanctifier

39. Jehovah Hoseenu - The Lord our Maker

40. Abba - Father

41. Elohim Yisrael - The God of Israel

42. El Gibbor - The Mighty God

43. El Gemulah - The God of Recompenses

44. Elohim of Jacov - The God of Jacob

45. Jehovah Matsor - The Lord My Fortress

46. Jehovah T-seleka - The Lord My Shade

47. Jehovah Shammeka - The Lord Thy Keeper

48. Elohim Eliyah - The God of Elijah

49. Jehovah Tobe - The Good Lord

50. Jehovah Palati - The Lord My Deliverer

51. El Bethel - The God of Bethel

52. El Deah - The God of Knowledge

53. Elohim Davyd - The God of David

54. Elohim Yeruwshalem - The God of Jerusalem

55. Elohim Yitsak - The God of Isaac

56. Elohim Mishpat - The God of Judgment (Justice)

57. Elohay Kol Basar - The God of All Flesh

58. Elohay T-ehilati - The God of My Praise

59. El HaGadol - The Great God

60. El Chesed - The God of Loving Kindness

61. El Bereeth - The God of Covenant

62. Elohim Avraham - The God of Abraham

63. Jehovah Eli - The Lord My God

64. Elohim Abotheenu - The God of our Fathers

65. Adonay - The Lord

66. Jehovah - The Self-Existing One

67. Emmanuel - God With Us

68. Jesus - Saviour

69. Elohim - God

70. Alpha And Omega - The Beginning and the End