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-Carlinite is a very rare mineral that belongs to the mineral class of sulfides and sulfosalts. It crystallizes in the trigonal crystal system and has the chemical composition Tl2S. It is a particular form of thallium(I) sulfide. It forms idiomorphic grains in a poorly developed rhombic form. The mineral has a gray color, metallic luster and is associated with gold, and lacks in hardness.

Etymology and history

Calnilite was discovered in 1975 by Arthur S. Radke and Franck W. Dickson.Its name was reference to the gold mine in Carlin ( Nevada USA), where it was discovered.


According to the classification of minerals used by the International Mineralogical Association (IMA), carlinite is classified mineralogicaly sulphides and sulphosalts. Il appartient au subgroup "Métalic sulfurs with métal / sulfur ratio supérior to 1:1". This group can be subdivided according to the concerned metal, placing the mineral in the subgroup with "mercury and thallium" according to his composition

According to the Dana mineral classification carlinite can be assigned to the" sulfides and sulfosalts" and the subclass of "sulfures" taking into account selenides and tellurides " AmBnXp, with (m+n):p=2:1".

Cristaline structure

Calinite cristalises in a trigonal cristaline system according to lattice parameter structur a = 12:12 Å and c = 18.18 Å. It can be definied by 27 unite form per unit cell.


Present under the form of thallium(I), air oxidizes carlinite making it dimmer and lose its shine.

Extraction and usage

These days only two carlinite extraction sites are known. Both can be found in the Lynn district of Nevada, USA .

We can often find calinite in alloys such as gold, arsenic, antimony, mercury , thallium(III) oxyde but also organic carbons and quartz

Notes and references

  • mineralienatlas
  • Carlinite., In: John W. Anthony, Richard A. Bideaux, Kenneth W. Bladh, Monte C. Nichols (Hrsg.): Handbook of Mineralogy, Mineralogical Society of America, 2001(PDF 66,9 kB [archive])

See also Bibliography

  • Arthur S Radtke, Frank W Dickson. Carlinite, TI2S, a New Mineral from Nevada. In: American Mineralogist, Vol. 60, 1975, S. 559-565 ( PDF )
  • List of minerals

External links

-- (discuter) 23 février 2022 à 15:45 (CET)Bkhach Mehdi 23/02/2022