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Personnage de fiction apparaissant dans

Image illustrative de l’article Baptistegorce/brouillon5

Stewart is a God who came to Earth to see Earth's condition. He landed in London, and pretended to be a student. After hearing from people, he realised that Social Media is best way to learn about people and how they look. So he joined Social Media and didn't liked it. When surfing browse, he found a link to a quiz about Jesus in r/jesus. He opened that link and found a Yellow Fish, which looked like this: . He then surfed more on this yellow fish site, and thought it's another Social Media, that has quiz, and is better than other Social Media. He then made an account by his fake name, which he was using on Earth and created some quizzes. Now, he realised to know about how humans are doing, he needs to do something more. He needs to get closer to this Yellow Fish's owner. After looking on this topic on internet, he found out that coding helps in maintaining these sites. As he was a god, he didn't knew how to code. So he went to a collage to learn coding. He learnt coding well and started working for Yellow Fish's owner.