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Discussion utilisateur:2601:404:C900:72E0:4445:A2E9:8430:419

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Une page de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

{{déblocage}} request.

Hi, there.

I'm trying to figure this out, but since it's in French and I really only speak English, I'm not at 100% here.

I was requested to edit a Wikipedia page for someone. When he gave me the link, I realized it was on – no problem, I am adept at using Google translator and I even know a tiny bit of French.

I identified what he needed edited, I clicked the button to edit that section, and the whole page kind of dimmed. After looking around a bit, I found the following error message:


In French: La création automatique d’un compte local a échoué : Votre compte utilisateur ou votre adresse IP « 2601:0:0:0:0:0:0:0/20 » a été bloqué par ‪Jules*‬, un administrateur du projet Wikipédia, pour la raison suivante : Vandalisme cross-wiki récurrent.. Ceci signifie que vous pouvez toujours lire l’encyclopédie, mais pas la modifier. Consultez votre page de discussion pour plus de détails. Vous pouvez contacter ‪Jules*‬ ou un des autres administrateurs pour en discuter.

   Expiration du blocage : 11 février 2023 à 12:34
   Si vous ne comprenez pas le message ci-dessus, et que vous ne possédez pas de compte utilisateur : essayez de vous créer un compte (aide sur les comptes) ; l’avertissement était probablement destiné à un utilisateur précédent avec la même adresse IP. Si créer un compte ne résout pas le problème, contactez ‪Jules*‬ en précisant :
       votre identifiant de blocage (#4113703),
       et éventuellement votre adresse IP (2601:404:c900:72e0:4445:a2e9:8430:419).
   Si vous possédez un compte utilisateur et que vous avez enregistré une adresse e-mail valide, vous pouvez envoyer un courriel à ‪Jules*‬. Votre page de discussion n’est peut-être pas bloquée (vérifier) : dans ce cas, vous pouvez insérer dans cette page le code {{déblocage}} suivi de vos arguments pour demander un déblocage.
   Si le message de blocage est « Proxy ouvert », ceci signifie que vous passez probablement par un proxy ouvert ou une machine zombie ; pour prévenir les abus, l'édition à travers ces ordinateurs est interdite. Pour demander un déblocage ou une exemption des blocages d'IP de votre compte utilisateur si vous en avez un, merci d'envoyer un courriel à info-fr chez

In English: Automatic local account creation failed: Your user account or IP address “2601:0:0:0:0:0:0:0/20” has been blocked by Jules*, a Wikipedia project administrator, for the following reason: Cross-wiki vandalism recurrent.. This means you can still read the encyclopedia, but not edit it. Check your talk page for more details. You can contact Jules* or one of the other administrators to discuss it.

   Block expiry: February 11, 2023 at 12:34
   If you do not understand the message above, and you do not have a user account: try to create an account (help on accounts); the warning was likely directed at a previous user with the same IP address. If creating an account does not solve the problem, contact Jules* specifying:
       your blocking identifier (#4113703),
       and possibly your IP address (2601:404:c900:72e0:4445:a2e9:8430:419).
   If you have a user account and have registered a valid e-mail address, you can send an e-mail to Jules*. Your talk page may not be blocked (check): in this case, you can insert in this page the code Modèle:Unblocking followed by your arguments to request an unblocking.
   If the blocking message is "Open Proxy", this means that you are probably going through an open proxy or a zombie machine; to prevent abuse, editing through these computers is prohibited. To request an unblocking or exemption from IP blocking of your user account if you have one, please send an email to info-fr at


Now, I have no history of vandalism on Wikipedia whatsoever, as far as I know, and I have rarely ever been on any non-English versions of the site, so "cross-wiki vandalism" is virtually an impossibility (unless my account has been hacked), much less would there be any chance of such behavior on my part being "recurrent."

So, I was very happy to read on to see the paragraph that begins, "If you do not understand the message above..."

I am now, though, trying to clear this up, not just so that I can do the edit for my friend, but because I don't like being accused, even lightly or with equivocations, of such misdeeds. I have been a fan of (and semi-active on) the Wikipedia concept and sites since their inception. Free information for all. Amen.

I DO have an account, created on the, and I have (long ago) registered a valid e-mail address. (I believe I am writing you from the Talk Page of that very account right now, though through a link in the Error message received on the French site.) As such, I am invited to send an e-mail to Jules – I opted not to do that because I saw no e-mail address for Jules. Alternatively, if my Talk Page is not blocked (and it does not appear to be), I am invited to "insert in this page the code {{unblocking}} followed by your arguments to request an unblocking. And that is what I am doing here...

I don't know how to tell if the blocking message is "Open Proxy," but I am on the only device I own and the same device I'm always on – a 2010 iMac desktop computer – so I do not feel the phrases "open prozy" or "zombie machine" are applicable in my case.

I do now see and recognize "info-fr at" as an e-mail address in the error message. When I am finished here, I will copy my entire message into an e-mail to that address as well.

I would very much like to understand what has happened here. Is this message automatic because I have tried to edit an entry in a language other than that which I originally signed up with? Have I, indeed, been hacked?? Is there really some record of my IP address being behind "recurrent" acts of "cross-wiki vandalism"?

Thank you for clearing this up as soon as possible.

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