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Reusing photo

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Hi Matthieu,

I'm writing to let you know that we would like to use one of your images of Seriatopora sp. in an upcoming academic volume of "The Natural History of the Crustacea Vol 5: Life Histories", published by Oxford University Press. Antonio Baeza, the lead author of the chapter, would like to use your image in a figure of the life history of a symbiotic crab that lives in the coral from your picture.

Please let me know if you need additional information

-- (discuter) 24 août 2016 à 22:25 (CEST) Thanks, Mika Tan Editorial Assistant, The Natural History of the Crustacea Universidad Católica del Norte Larrondo 1281 Coquimbo, Chile[répondre]

Hi Mika,
Thanks for the notice ! Could you just point out the exact photo please ? None of my photos are identified as Seriatopora sp. I may need to correct that. The only photo than would match is commons:File:Trapezia flavopunctata & Pocillopora.JPG but I thought the coral was Pocillopora sp.
Anyways fell free to use the photo, that the goal !
I would really appreciate to get a digital copy of this publication if possible.
Matthieu aka — Mirgolth 25 août 2016 à 10:25 (CEST)[répondre]
PS: Damn it's a small world, you in Chile and me in France yet we are already 3rd degree connnection on LinkedIn.