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Utilisateur:Srijan Suryansh

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Srijan Suryansh

Srijan Suryansh is currently having his basic studies in India.

He is aspired to become Aeronautical Scientist or Astronaut who is first to step on Planet Mars.

he likes to do experiment and doesn't afraid from trying new things whether he may face odd consequences or wierd comments by people around him.He likes to code and loves to make program snippets but currently he knows Java only.His favourite topics generally hover around Science but he never hesitate to pick topics from History or History he loves mainly likes Modern History specially after renaissance period.He love robotics and feels he can make some of them.He also loves to learn different languages both human and machine.Currently he knows Hindi (mother tongue) , English ,German(B1 level) and some of Sanskrit and French.He also have keen interest in knowing about other culture. {{#User Edit Count}}

User language
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf grundlegendem Niveau.
fr-0 Cet utilisateur n’a aucune connaissance en français (ou le comprend avec de grandes difficultés).
hi-N इस सदस्य को हिन्दी का मातृभाषा के समान ज्ञान है।
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