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 * Adiutor: Adiutor enables versatile editing options and modules to assist a variety of user actions to enhance the Wikipedia editing experience.
 * Author: Vikipolimer
 * Learn more at:
 * Licensing and Attribution: Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
 * Module: Edit summaries helper
/* <nowiki> */
// Get essential configuration from MediaWiki
var mwConfig = mw.config.get(["skin", "wgAction", "wgArticleId", "wgPageName", "wgNamespaceNumber", "wgTitle", "wgUserGroups", "wgUserName", "wgUserEditCount", "wgUserRegistration", "wgCanonicalNamespace"]);
// Create an API instance
var api = new mw.Api();
// Get user options from Adiutor configuration
var wikiId = mw.config.get('wgWikiID');
var adiutorUserOptions = JSON.parse(mw.user.options.get('userjs-adiutor-'+wikiId));
// Select the summary box and summary textarea
var $summaryBox, $summaryTextarea = $('#wpSummary');
// Different summary categories for different types of edits
var summaryCategories = {
    general: ['Catégorisation', 'Redirection', 'Maintenance', 'Retouche de la modification précédente'],
    article: ['Ajout de sources', 'Mise en forme des références', 'Corrections orthographiques et/ou typographiques', 'Retrait de fichier Commons supprimé', 'Violation du droit d\'auteur', 'Suppression de contenu non encyclopédique', 'Suppression de catégorie(s) non pertinentes', 'Suppression de lien(s) externe(s) non pertinent(s)', 'Suppression de contenu non sourcé', 'Suppression de liens externes à des fins publicitaires ou non pertinents'],
    nonArticle: ['Réponse', 'Commentaire', 'Nouvelle section'],
    talkPage: ['Ajout des [[Wikipédia:Projet|wikiprojets]]', 'Évaluation [[Wikipédia:Projet|wikiprojet]]']
// Assuming adiutorUserOptions.myCustomSummaries is an array of custom summaries
summaryCategories.general = summaryCategories.general.concat(adiutorUserOptions.myCustomSummaries);
// Function to add options to a dropdown menu
function addOptionsToDropdown(dropdown, optionTexts) {
	optionTexts.forEach(function(optionText) {[new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget({
			label: optionText
// Function to handle selection of a summary option
function onSummarySelect(option) {
	var originalSummary = $summaryTextarea.val(),
		cannedSummary = option.getLabel(),
		newSummary = originalSummary;
	if(newSummary.length !== 0 && newSummary.charAt(newSummary.length - 1) !== ' ') {
		newSummary += ' ';
	newSummary += cannedSummary;
// Function to insert summary options into the editing interface
function insertSummaryOptions($insertBeforeElement) {
	var namespace = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber'),
		$optionsContainer = $('<div>').css('display', 'flex');
	// Dropdown for article-related edits
	var dropdown = new OO.ui.DropdownWidget({
		label: mw.msg('namespace-edit-summaries')
	});'select', onSummarySelect);
	addOptionsToDropdown(dropdown, namespace === 0 ? summaryCategories.article : summaryCategories.nonArticle);
	// Dropdown for general edits
	var generalDropdown = new OO.ui.DropdownWidget({
		label: mw.msg('common-edit-summaries')
	});'select', onSummarySelect);
	addOptionsToDropdown(generalDropdown, summaryCategories.general);
	// Dropdown for talk page edits (if applicable)
	if(namespace !== 0 && (namespace % 2 !== 0 && namespace !== 3)) {
		var talkDropdown = new OO.ui.DropdownWidget({
			label: mw.msg('common-discussion-edit-summaries')
		});'select', onSummarySelect);
		addOptionsToDropdown(talkDropdown, summaryCategories.talkPage);
	$optionsContainer.css('margin-bottom', '10px'); // Add bottom margin
// Hook into the save dialog state change event
mw.hook('ve.saveDialog.stateChanged').add(function() {
	var target, $saveOptions;
	if($('body').data('wppresent')) {
	$('body').data('wppresent', 'true');
	target =;
	$saveOptions = target.saveDialog.$saveOptions;
	$summaryTextarea = target.saveDialog.editSummaryInput.$input;
	if(!$saveOptions.length) {
// Wait for necessary libraries to load before adding options
$.when(mw.loader.using('oojs-ui-core'), $.ready).then(function() {
	var $editCheckboxes = $('.editCheckboxes');
	if(!$editCheckboxes.length) {
	insertSummaryOptions($editCheckboxes, '50%');
/* </nowiki> */