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Utilisateur:Mmatic42/Liste des agglomérations de l'Union Européenne

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Il s'agit d'une liste des agglomérations de l'Union européenne comptant plus de 500 000 habitants en 2014. Les données proviennent de Demographia et du Département des affaires économiques et sociales des Nations Unies. [1] [2] [3] Demographia fournit des chiffres pour les zones urbaines (y compris les agglomérations ) tandis que les chiffres du Département des affaires économiques et sociales des Nations Unies ne concernent que les agglomérations. À titre de comparaison, les chiffres de population des zones urbaines fonctionnelles (FUA) d'Eurostat sont également fournis, mais ils mesurent des zones métropolitaines plus larges.

Agglomérations de plus de 500 000 habitants (2015-2019)[modifier | modifier le code]

Rank Urban area Image State Population (urban areas; Demographia) Population (agglomerations; UN WUP)[3] FUA population (metropolitan areas; Eurostat) Density
(per km2;
Annual growth
rate (%;

1 Paris France 10,960,000 10,843,285 12,800,000 3,800 0.83
2 Ruhr Germany 6,660,000 N/A 11,300,000 2,800 0.01
3 Madrid Spain 6,345,000 6,729,254 7,100,000 4,600 0.27
4 Milan Italy 5,295,000 3,098,974 n/a 2,800 −0.16
5 Barcelone Spain 4,810,000 5,658,319 5,900,000 4,300 0.12
6 Berlin Germany 4,105,000 3,863,194 n/a 2,900 0.01
7 Rome Italy 3,995,000 3,717,956 n/a 3,400 0.89
8 Naples Italy 3,690,000 2,201,789 n/a 3,600 0.01
9 Athènes Greece 3,495,000 3,051,899 n/a 5,000 0.29
10 Lisbone Portugal 2,705,000 2,884,297 n/a 2,800 0.39
11 RotterdamLa Hayes

Netherlands 2,680,000 N/A n/a 2,700 0.39
12 Budapest Hungary 2,520,000 1,713,903 3,100,000 1,900 −0.19
13 Varsovie Poland 2,300,000 1,722,310 3,000,000 3,200 0.67
14 Cologne-Bonn Germany 2,260,000 N/A n/a 2,300 0.50
15 Katowice Poland 2,155,000 N/A n/a 3,300 0.11
16 Bruxelles Belgium 2,135,000 2,044,993 n/a 2,600 0.02
17 Munich Germany 2,060,000 1,437,900 n/a 4,200 0.72
18 Hambourg Germany 2,050,000 1,830,673 n/a 2,700 0.43
19 Bucarest Romania 2,040,000 1,867,724 n/a 6,500 0.10
20 Francfort Germany 2,005,000 n/a n/a 3,000 0.50
21 Vienne Austria 1,850,000 1,752,845 n/a 3,900 1.04
22 Lyon France 1,680,000 1,608,712 n/a 1,300 0.50
23 Amsterdam Netherlands 1,670,000 1,090,772 n/a 3,200 0.41
24 Marseille France 1,605,000 1,605,046 n/a 3,100 0.46
25 Stockholm Sweden 1,585,000 1,485,680 n/a 4,300 0.58
26 Valence Spain 1,575,000 n/a 5,700 0.29
27 Turin Italy 1,530,000 1,764,868 n/a 4,100 −0.16
28 Porto Portugal 1,480,000 1,299,437 n/a 1,900
29 Prague Czechia 1,375,000 2,156,809 2,620,000 4,600 −0.07
30 Stuttgart Germany 1,375,000 n/a 2,900
31 Sofia Bulgaria 1,325,000 1,226,155 1,543,377 5,700 0.78
32 Copenhague Denmark 1,310,000 1,268,052 1,900,000 2,700 0.04
33 Helsinki Finland 1,270,000 1,179,916 n/a 2,400 0.81
34 Dublin Ireland 1,215,000 1,169,371 n/a 2,500 1.14
35 Séville Spain 1,095,000 n/a 5,600
36 Lille France, Belgium 1,080,000 1,027,178 n/a 2,200 0.50
37 Anvers Belgium 1,025,000 n/a 1,500 0.05
38 Toulouse France 985,000 n/a 1,100 0.72
39 Bordeaux France 980,000 n/a 700 0.60
40 Nice France 955,000 n/a 1,300 0.52
41 Nantes France 930,000 n/a 1,100
42 Bergame Italy 870,000 n/a 3,300
43 Gdańsk Poland 855,000 n/a 5,000
44 Thessalonique Greece 845,000 n/a 4,300 0.39
45 Florence Italy 835,000 n/a 3,700
46 Bilbao Spain 765,000 n/a 5,800
47 Cracovie Poland 760,000 1,725,894 n/a 3,500
48 Dresde Germany 775,000 n/a 2,200
49 Palerme Italy 730,000 n/a 6,000 0.12
50 Zaragoza Spain 730,000 n/a 5,700
51 Catane Italy 725,000 n/a 2,900
52 Málaga Spain 720,000 n/a 3,600
53 Hanovre Germany 710,000 n/a 2,500
54 Utrecht Netherlands 705,000 n/a 3,900
55 Zagreb Croatia 700,000 n/a 4,400
56 Łódź Poland 680,000 n/a 5,000 −0.67
57 Las Palmas Spain 670,000 n/a 6,800
58 Nuremberg Germany 665,000 n/a 3,000
59 Brême Germany 640,000 n/a 2,400
60 Wrocław (Vratislavie) Poland 625,000 n/a 4,800

Leipzig Germany 620,000 n/a 2,000
62 Mannheim Germany 615,000 n/a 3,500
63 Padou Italy 615,000 n/a 3,200
64 Gênes Italy 610,000 1,500,000 n/a 7,900
65 Riga Latvia 610,000 n/a 2,900
66 Göteborg Sweden 610,000 n/a 2,700
67 Toulon France 575,000 n/a 700
68 Liège Belgium 565,000 n/a 1,900
69 Sarrebruck Germany 560,000 n/a 2,200
70 Palma, Majorque Spain 550,000
71 Aix-la-Chapelle Germany 545,000 n/a 1,500
72 Bolognae Italy 530,000
73 Poznań Poland 530,000 n/a 2,700
74 Grenoble France 525,000 n/a 985
75 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Spain 525,000
76 Douai-Lens France 510,000 n/a 1,100
77 Vilnius Lithuania 515,000 649,000 n/a 2,500
78 Murcie Spain 515,000

Références[modifier | modifier le code]

  1. Eurostat: Statistics on European cities. Retrieved 19 September 2016.
  2. Demographia: World Urban Areas. Retrieved 12 July 2017.
  3. a et b Annual Population of Urban Agglomerations with 300,000 Inhabitants or More in 2014, by Country, 1950-2030 (thousands), World Urbanization Prospects, the 2014 revision « »(Archive.orgWikiwixArchive.isGoogleQue faire ?), , Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Retrieved 6 September 2015. Note: List based on estimates for 2015, from 2014.