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Discussion utilisateur:Steefash

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Frakir 3 février 2016 à 14:06 (CET)[répondre]

Annonce de suppression de page

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Bonjour, Steefash, et merci de votre participation à Wikipédia Émoticône sourire.

Cependant, je vous informe que la page Mohammad bin Fahd (page supprimée) que vous avez créée a été supprimée par l'administrateur Azurfrog avec le commentaire : « Promotion et publicité ou spam : Traduction automatique irrécupérable d'une page de pub où le dithyrambe côtoie l'incompréhensible. ».

Ne recréez pas cette page vous-même. Si vous tentez de la recréer, elle sera automatiquement blanchie par Salebot.

--Salebot (bot de maintenance) (d) 28 juin 2016 à 11:17 (CEST)[répondre]

Recreate the page

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Hello, Salebot, thank you for your message and I'm sorry to hear that. The reason I used the machine translation, because I want to keep the text formatting and references. Also I don't speak french.

However, I already have the human translation and I will use it if you re-created the page name "Mohammad bin Fahd". so please recreate Mohammad bin Fahd (page supprimée).

Steefash (discuter) 28 juin 2016 à 12:20 (CEST)[répondre]

Hi Steefash!
Problem is, not only was this machine-translated article sheer gibberish, but it was also unacceptably larded with puffery and peacock language. So, even properly translated, I doubt it could be acceptable anyway (see also WP:CSIG, G11: "
Publicité ou promotion manifeste").
My best suggestion would then be to rewrite and source entirely a new, sober, neutral and short article on the subject matter.
Failing which, you could also consider filing a request for deletion review here. Keep in mind though that you will be asked to provide independent secondary sources devoted to Mr Mohammad bin Fahd, and probably have to totally rewrite the article anyway
Regards. — Azurfrog [नीले मेंढक के साथ बात करना] 28 juin 2016 à 12:52 (CEST)[répondre]
Hi Azurfrog!
Thank you for your explanation, actually I didn't expected that the translation will be peacock language, I apologize for that, anyway I represents Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University and authorized by the Prince Mohammad to create his profile on Wikipedia. So I will recreate the page if you allowed me and I will change it completely by the human translation that I have.
Steefash (discuter) 28 juin 2016 à 13:36 (CEST)[répondre]
There again, it would probably be best for you to file a request on WP:Demande de restauration de page (= Deletion review), as I don't have to "allow" an article: restoring the deleted page should be a collective decision.
But I insist that a "human translation" of the existing English article won't be enough to solve the problem. And beyond the puffery I mentioned, there also is this issue of WP:Autobiography, which probably explains why the article is so far from the required neutrality
Regards.Azurfrog [नीले मेंढक के साथ बात करना] 28 juin 2016 à 14:42 (CEST)[répondre]

Concernant votre demande de restauration de la page Mohammad bin Fahd

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Ceci est un message automatique vous avertissant que votre demande de restauration pour Mohammad bin Fahd a été refusée. Afin d'en voir les détails, cliquez ici. Ce lien restera actif durant une semaine à compter du 29 juin 2016 à 10:54 (CEST).

Distribué par ZéroBot, le 29 juin 2016 à 11:00 (CEST)[répondre]

Hello, thank you for your answer but you did not give any chance to solve the problem. I told I will use the human translation that I already have. Please re-consider the request and allow me to solve this issue otherwise give any alternative solution. Thanks
Steefash (discuter) 29 juin 2016 à 13:21 (CEST)[répondre]
Alternative solution was given above. Namely, "file a request on WP:Demande de restauration de page (= Deletion review), as I don't have to "allow" an article: restoring the deleted page should be a collective decision".
To help you prepare this request, your "human translation" could be re-written and adequately sourced on your draft page utilisateur:Steefash/Brouillon where I copied (and amended MoS as requested here) the beginning of deleted article to start the ball rolling. Even then, this short introduction remains very obscure.
I insist that any new translation should be understandable and avoid any puffery/peacock language. Likewise, you have to provide references to reliable and independant sources for the key informations (see WP:REFPRAT for practical details).
Last, the lack of proper internal links to other articles further impedes the understanding of the article (e.g.: who is Abdul Aziz Bin Abdul Rahman Bin Faisal Al Saud? And what is Modèle de Capital de l'Institut, which I can't even begin to understand?)
Regards. — Azurfrog [नीले मेंढक के साथ बात करना] 1 juillet 2016 à 23:03 (CEST)[répondre]