Discussion:Prudent Beaudry

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  • Director of the French Benevolent Society, California (LA Hospital)
  • Director of the LA County Bank
  • Organizer of the LA Railway Company and Temple Street Railroad
  • Donated hundreds of miles of streets of downtown to L.A. City (source)
  • Opened, graded, paved, lighted Los Angeles first streets
  • Developed and helped root all the first important enterprises in L.A. (source)
  • Worked the soil up for a large number of land developers which led to expansion (source)
  • Bootstrapped private utilities that became public (source)


Reference chronology[modifier le code]

Prudent Beaudry, born 1818 Victor Beaudry, portfolio manager of Prudent esq. born 1831

  • P. J. Beaudry is agmonst the "sportmen" of his time in athletism. (Le Bon Vieux Temps, p. 62)
  • At 18, Victor starts a journey with the goal to reach San Francisco. (Les Canadiens de l'Ouest, p. 257)

"Vers l'automne 1848 il part de Trinité-et-Tobago sur un bâteau pour arriver en Avril 1849 à San Francisco par la voie de Panama."

Une lettre daté du 31 avril 1849 de San Francisco est publié en Octobre 1849 dans le journal de Montréal La Minerve. Dans celle-ci il s'étend sur la misère et les privations qu'il a éprouvées pendant le voyage qui a duré plus de six mois par suite des vents contraires et autres incidents fâcheux: "les passagers au nombre de 115 furent réduits à une chopine d'eau par jour et à un biscuit de matelot tout-à-fait moisi et rempli de vers.", il continue "Ajoutons à cela que les matelots ont été en mutinerie ouverte contre le capitaine qui a toujours été ivre durant la traversée de Toboga jusqu'à San-Francisco. », il mentionne également le prix de marchandise: "La planche et le madrier se vendent $350 par 1000 pieds carré, du moins le bois des États-Unis  ; celui du Chili et du Pérou est de $250 à $275."

Ce n'était alors qu'une ville d'environ deux mille âmes. Tous ses habitants logeaient sous des tentes, et il n'y avait que trois maisons de bois. De 1847 à 1850, San Francisco passe de quelques centaines d'habitants à plus de 25 000, devenant ainsi la plus grande agglomération de la côte ouest.

Après avoir servi comme commis et mineur, il ouvrit un bureau d'agence pour les goëlettes qui faisaient le trajet dans la baie de San Francisco, déservant notamment les villes Stockton, Sacremento, San Francsco. (Les Canadiens de l'Ouest, p. 258)

  • En 1850, Prudent Beaudry le rejoint à San Francisco et ils établirent ensemble une manufacture de sirop considérable et exportèrent les liqueurs dans les villes de l'intérieur.
  • Before 1852's end, Victor sells his share in this venture to head for Réalijo Guatémala

Il pensait que celui-ci allait devenir aussi important que Panama. Mais les indigènes voyant arriver beaucoup d'Américains pour acheter leurs terres, demandèrent des prix si exorbitants qu'il lui fallut renoncer à ses affaires.

Il se rendit alors d'ans l'intérieur du pays, où il organisa une ligne de transport pour les voyageurs entre Réalijo et le lac de Grenade. Il abandonna cette entreprise après neuf mois d'un travail incessant, sans en avoir retiré d'autre béné- fice qu'une connaissance suffisante de la langue espagnole. — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par Pacific Canada (discuter), le 22 juin 2021 à 19:44 (CEST)[répondre]

  • Un commerce lucratif l'occupa ensuite pendant quatre ans à Panama. (Les Canadiens de l'Ouest)
  • Au mois de novembre 1854, il revint au Canada (Les Canadiens de l'Ouest)
  • En 1855, après de nombreux temps à San Francisco et Los Angeles, Prudent part pour New York, Montreal et New York et part pour un Grand Tour d'Europe.
  • Il repartit en février 1856 pour Los Angeles, afin de prendre soin des affaires de son frère à cet endroit, M. Prudent Beaudry (qui alla cherchait des soins en Europe)
  • Dans cette ville, il s'occupa de l'exploitation de mines situées à dix-sept milles ; mais il perdit vingt-cinq mille piastres dans ces opéra- tions, en l'espace de trois ans.
  • Nommé fournisseur de vivres dans l'armée régulière américaine, en 1861, M. Beaudry suivit en cette qualité les régiments qui se dirigeaient sur Washington. Il demeura attaché à l'armée du Po- tomac pendant toute la durée de la guerre  ; les succès et les revers le laissèrent, en fin de compte, au même point qu'au départ.
  • Revenu à Los Angeles, en 1865, M. Beaudry en repartit peu après pour faire le commerce en détail à Indépendance. Sur ces entrefaites, il acheta des intérêts considérables dans une mine argentifère à Cerro-Gordo, puis transporta son magasin dans ce lieu.

a mine de Gerro-Gordo est située dans le comté d'Inyo, à environ quatre-vingt-dix lieues de Los Angeles  ; elle est exploitée par une compagnie, dont le capital est de dix millions de piastres. Elle n'emploie pas moins de deux à trois cents hommes. Le creusage a déjà atteint une profondeur de trois mille pieds. Plus d'une fois le commissaire des mines aux Etats-Unis, M. Rossiter W. Raymond, a signalé l'importance de la production de cette mine dans ses rapports au gouvernement (Statistics of Mines and Mining in the States and Territories west of the Rocky Mountains, 1870, -1875)

From 1847 to 1849, 18-year-old Victor Beaudry mined gold in the Sacramento area and settle in San Francisco in 1849 when Prudent join him. There was no building, they lived in tents. (source: lettre, Victor Beaudry) The brothers had manufactures where they harvested far in the mountains syrup and ice and sold to the mining camps and to the businesses in town.

M. Beaudry a déjà découvert avec son principal associé, M. Belshaw, le procédé de fondre le minerai au Heu de le rôtir, comme cela se faisait autrefois  ; ce procédé est aujourd'uui en usage dans la Califor- nei, l'Utah et le Nevada. Il possède aussi dix à douze sources d'eau, qui ont une grande valeur dans une région minière.

M. Victor Beaudry est un homme très-intelligent, perspicace et généreux. Malgré les pertes énormes qu'il a éprouvées de temps à autre, sa fortune s'élève à environ trois cent mille piastres. Si la mine de Cerro-Gordo réalise les brillantes espérances que fait concevoir le succès de ses opérations, il sera bientôt millionnaire.

Notre compatriote porte beaucoup d'intérêt à l'instruction de la jeunesse, et il en a fourni la preuve en faisaL des dons en plus d'une circonstance à l'Ecole polytechnique de Montréal. M. Beaudry est né à Sainte-Amie-des-Plaines, le vingt-deux février 1831- Il a épousé à Montréal, au mois d'avril 1876, Mlle Angelina Leblanc, fille de feu M. le shérif C. A. Leblanc. (Les Canadiens de l'Ouest)

- spécule sur des terrains et immeubles dans la baie de San Francisco et autour jusqu'à Sacremento; avec un autre Beaudry dans les domaines voisins (Oakland, Berkeley, Emeryville, Alameda)

Immeubles Beaudry à San Francisco (1849-1852)[modifier le code]

"Après avoir spéculé sur l’achat d’immeubles, les affaires tournent mal et au début des années 1850,"[...] Quelle source/citation pour la spéculation d'immeuble en 1850 par Prudent Beaudry ou son frère ?

J'ai trouvé des maisons, immeubles et lots Beaudry à cette période, à San Francisco (manufactures, rues Montgomery, Pine, Bush), Berkeley, Oakland, Alameda (immobilier), Vallejo et Antioch (exemple: agence de transport maritime Beaudry), San José (en 1850 siège du gouvernement Californien), Yuba City and Marysville (dans les journeaux). — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par Pacific Canada (discuter), le 18 juin 2021 à 18:51 (CEST)[répondre]

--Pacific Canada (discuter) 16 juin 2021 à 20:05 (CEST)[répondre]

San Francisco[modifier le code]

He and his brother conducted a general merchandise business in San Francisco but lost it due to fires. The business helped build San Francisco's first buildings, one book mentioned they traded canvas and tacks for lining buildings. [source: Pasadena History: Beaudry helped develop L.A. County

From 1847 to 1849, 18-year-old Victor Beaudry mined gold in the Sacramento area and settle in San Francisco in 1849 when Prudent join him. There was no building, they lived in tents. (source: lettre, Victor Beaudry) The brothers had manufactures where they harvested far in the mountains syrup and ice and sold to the mining camps and to the businesses in town.


Lettre de Victor Beaudry datée de San Francisco avril 1849 — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par Pacific Canada (discuter), le 30 juin 2021 à 19:59 (CEST)[répondre]

Famille et naissance de Prudent Beaudry[modifier le code]

Quelles sources mentionnent les nationalités et naissance officielles (1816?1817?1818?) de Prudent Beaudry ? — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par Pacific Canada (discuter), le 16 juin 2021 à 20:09 (CEST) Prudent Beaudry avait-il les nationalités: Française, Espagnoles, Américaine, Britanniques ? (entre 1855 et 1862 il semble résider à Londres et Paris, avant de retourner à Montréal)[répondre]


@Pacific Canada La nationalité est une chose acquise. Vu sa naissance, il est sans doute sujet britannique. Quand au reste, il faut trouver des document qui prouve qu'il a demander les autres nationalités. Fralambert (discuter) 22 juin 2021 à 04:33 (CEST)[répondre]

Canada[modifier le code]

"In 1842 he began business on his own account, in partnership with a brother in the city of Montreal. Though still quite young, he visited England and Scotland for the purpose of purchasing goods, in which he was quite successful; and after carrying on the large business till 1850" [1]

"He went immediately into partnership with his brother, Jean Baptiste, who had followed him to Montreal. During fifteen years they carried on an extensive dry-goods business. Together with three other rich firms of Montreal, they were the first French-Canadian merchants who ever imported their goods from Europe. During the interval, Mr. Beaudry crossed the Atlantic twelve times, and formed a solid and lasting basis for the large fortune he left to his children.", "Since 1864 he wore the cross of St. Olaf, a Swede, and Norwegian order." [2]

Los Angeles County[modifier le code]

En 1852, Prudent Beaudry arrive seul dans le village de Los Angeles. [source: H. Bancroft] Fin 1855, c'est Victor qui dirige ses affaires dans l'Ouest Américain. Il fait une fortune avec l'hydraulique et les mines et saisie nombres d'opportunités locales: restaurants [source: newspaper, avec Marchessault], fabrication et conservation de la glace [source: newspaper, avec Marchessault].

Immobilier / Real Estate[modifier le code]

  • A Los Angeles, débute en créant et développant Chinatown (Alameda, Aliso, Los Angeles)

"Luxury", "Finest building"

Vers 1865, il vend ses commerces de marchandise générale à plusieurs partenaires juifs qui reviennent s'installer dans le centre ville. [source: Newmark's book]

L'angelino débute sa carrière immoibilière en 1854 en créant le quartier Chinois (Chinatown) à Los Angeles, un triangle d'adobes rues Aliso, Los Angeles et Commercial. Après le massacre Chinois, il transforme le long complexe en "luxieux building", décrit alors comme le "finest building of southern california" et renome l'avenue de celui-ci "Nigga Alley" en "Los Angeles Street".

"Beaudry came to Los Angeles and got into real estate, especially in the hills west of town. In 1854 he had purchased what became known as the Beaudry Block at Aliso and Los Angeles streets. He bought the hillside at New High Street. He bought and developed large tracts near downtown." [source: Pasadena Star News] — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par Pacific Canada (discuter), le 30 juin 2021 à 20:40 (CEST)[répondre]

Cependant, c'est en 1865 qu'il commence à conquérir les colines vagues et desertes au dessus de la ville.

De 1870 à 1880, Prudent agit au nom de la ville avec pour développer la ligne de chemin de fer Transcontinental au Pacific. A partir de 1880, Victor rejoint Prudent dans la vaste extension dans les colines. Transcontinental Leur

  • Temple Street Railroad et Second Street Railroad déservent Downtown Los Angeles et s'étendent à l'Est vers Pasadena et à l'Ouest jusqu'à Hollywood Hills. (1)
  • L.A.&I.R. traverse et permet de déservir les villas sur les collines tout au long des montagnes Santa Monica

Nombreux sont les lieux en Californie inspirés et développés à la suite des frères Beaudry, directement ou indirectement, tel que Glendale et Burbank (les montagnes Verdugo fut appelé Beaudry mountains), ou Venice près de Santa Monica. Les actions importantes de Beaudry vis-à-vis de la décentralisation de Los Angeles sont:

  • La Lake Land Water Vineyard Association (1)
  • Ses journeaux, dessinateurs/photos, la publicité et les correspondants (1)
  • Le reste dans la baie de San Francisco, des propriétés à l'Est de la Californie (Sacramento) et Nevada. Autre traces d'immobilier notamment particulier dans le Pacifique en Amérique Sud et Centrale (Argentine)



Philosophie et Politique[modifier le code]

Prudent Beaudry était un cityen usant de ses qualités d'entrepreneur pour parvenir à ses fins politiques [source: newspapers]. Nombre de ses projets était ou sont devenus d'utilité publiques (ie. Water Works) — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par Pacific Canada (discuter), le 30 juin 2021 à 18:23 (CEST)[répondre]

Background[modifier le code]

Vers 18 ans pendant ces études supérieurs en loi, philosophie, commerce [?] à New York [?] puis en voyagant à travers l'Amérique, il promeut l'annexation des deux Canada à l'Union, (les Etats-Unis).

Pendant que ses partenaire et son frère gèrent ses affaires en Californie, il passe un temps à New York et à Montreal, il voyage en Europe entre 1855 et 1862 avec John Temple et Solomon Lazard (dont les frères gèrent les maisons financière Lazard à Paris, Francfort, Londres) et passe du temps en Grande Bretagne, à Paris pour se faire soigner des yeux et visiter l'exposition universelle de 1855, en Allemagne et en Italie au moins.

La Californie[modifier le code]

A Los Angeles: desert, violence, corruption Sa vision: empire liberal: multi-culturel, "une métropole modèle", "la plus belle ville du monde", "une ville modèle", "un empire" "libéral", est porté par ses contacts: un journaliste de Washington, des correspondances à New York, un prince Autrichien, ...

En 1871, il est élu membre du conseil municpal, nommé au conseil des rue, conseil du gas, conseil de la finance, amélioration des parcs, ... [0]

[0] https://cityclerk.lacity.org/chronola/index.cfm?fuseaction=app.OfficerType

Un citoyen d'esprit public[modifier le code]

Selon The herald (?) Prudent était lié avec les affaires municipales jusqu'à sa mort, bien qu'il est quitté le conseil à la fin des années 1870s [source: ? (obituary)] amis comme ex-gouverneur de Californie John Downey, et cela jusqu'à son dernier jour (source).

A près de 75 ans, Prudent est l'un des neufs citoyens consulté pour l'installation grand "Union Depot" à Los Angeles, qui se fera sur son terrain, vis-à-vis de la Los Angeles Plaza. "Responsible Citizens Pushing the Enterprise" https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84025968/1892-01-15/ed-1/seq-3/

En 1861, Victor est nommé fournisseur du premier régiment d'infanterie pour l'armée Régulière des Etats-Unis, à Washington. Il part à l'Est.

Culture, Education[modifier le code]

Library, Museum, Newspaper, Printing, Publishing

Cathedral of Saint Vibiana (1876) The Little Tokyo branch of the Los Angeles Public Library is also located on the site

Los Angeles High School Los Angeles State Normal School / UCLA (Beaudry Terrace) St. Vincent College (Beaudry Terrace) — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par Pacific Canada (discuter), le 30 juin 2021 à 18:59 (CEST)[répondre]


Prudent Beaudry achètes L'Union en 1877, "the local organ of the French people". https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042461/1897-06-23/ed-1/seq-6/ https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042461/1896-04-22/ed-1/seq-27/ — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par Pacific Canada (discuter), le 30 juin 2021 à 18:32 (CEST)[répondre]

Water, Fire, Sewage[modifier le code]

Prudent Beaudry [...] entreprit la création [mot pour "depuis presque zéro"/ from scratch] de l'intégralité du réseau hydraulique. Beaudry's Water Works. Cette nouvelle entreprise transforma les terres arrides en terres exploitables dans toute la Californie du Sud, permit donc à de nombreuses entreprises industriels et agricoles de fonctionner ainsi que de fournir de l'eau potable à grande échelle dans la région de Los Angeles.

Articles: The San Francisco call, 1898 - The herald, 1897: "erected one hydrant of each cross street of L.A.

Agriculture, Wine[modifier le code]

A travers la Californie, Prudent accompagné parfois de partenaires, achète de vastes terrains qu'il développe, loue et vend aux agriculteurs consciencieux [source: newspaper: pasture], [source: johnston, uk royal].

Afin de développer les ranches, il construit par exemple la Lake Vineyard Land & Water Company à Pasadena, opérait la San Rafael Winery, il creuse des tunnels et endigue des lacs artificiels plus ou moins étendues comme le Lake Johnston autrefois appelé Beaudry Lake [source: Beaudry Lake, Pasadena History]

Beaudry acquiert des terrains le long de la rivière Los Angeles "Along the way, Beaudry acquired portions of the San Pascual and San Rafael Ranches along the west bank of the Arroyo Seco. He operated the San Rafael Winery, dammed up Johnston’s Lake, at one time known as Beaudry’s Lake. He tunneled through the hills to the west to look for coal but also to make a shortcut from his farms to the Garvanza area of Los Angeles." [source: Pasadena Star News]

Map des ranchos historiques de Los Angeles

Les docuuments sur lesquels Beaudry est apparent montre les ranchos:

Rancho San Pascual[modifier le code]

Le Ranch San Pascual est se compose de 14,403 acres (58.29 km2) situés le long de la rivière Los Angeles, à l'Est du Ranch San Rafael, au Nord Est du centre de Los Angeles, au Nord de San Gabriel / El Camino et à l'ouest du ranch Santa Anita.

Rancho San Pascual's land now includes the cities of Pasadena, South Pasadena, and portions of San Marino, and the unincorporated communities of Altadena and San Pasqual.

Il transfère une partie du Ranch San Pascual à Alexander Johnston, a British Royal Society Fellow and former administrator of Hong Kong who wrote books on the natural history of China.

Rancho San Rafael[modifier le code]

36,403-acre (147.32 km2) Include the present-day cities of Glendale, La Cañada Flintridge, Montrose, Verdugo City Include the present-day Los Angeles neighborhoods: Atwater Village, Cypress Park, Eagle Rock, Glassell Park, Highland Park, and Mount Washington Rancho's boundaries were primarily: the Verdugo Mountains on the west, the Crescenta Valley and Rancho La Cañada on the north, the Arroyo Seco on the east, wrapped westerly around present-day Griffith Park to a point near the Travel Town Museum there — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par Pacific Canada (discuter), le 30 juin 2021 à 17:36 (CEST)[répondre]

Rancho San Pedro[modifier le code]

A développer: Ben D. Wilson, San Gabriel Valley, Indiana Colony, creation of Pasadena

Additionally, Beaudry was involved in massive agriculture development outside of L.A. County.

Rancho San José del Valle[modifier le code]

San Diego County (1868, about 100km² in San Diego County)

Real estate, Urban planning, Architecture[modifier le code]

Los Angeles[modifier le code]

Los Angeles was a Mexican small pueblo of adobes until Prudent Beaudry invests the hills with Beaudry City Water Works [source: Biographical Sketches]. He called one area "Bunker Hill" which is downtown Los Angeles.

Parks[modifier le code]

  • Creates Central Park (now Pershing Square)
  • Buys Beaudry Park for the Los Angeles Infirmary, on the site of Elysium Hill

« The fine and commodious Sisters' Hospital on Beaudry Park Hill was commenced »

— History of Los Angeles County, p. 106

Transport, Rail, Shipping[modifier le code]

  • General store (the late 1850s) - described as "specialist of wagon".
  • Nadeau, Transport Manager
  • Construction d'un ferry en hauteur (au lac Owens - https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/transbordeur
  • L.A.&I.R.
  • S.P.R.R.
  • S.P.T.C.

« it was this term also that witnessed the culmination of the hopes of the young city for direct rail connection with the outside world, and Mr. Beaudry officiated on behalf of the city with Messrs. Crocker, Stanford, Colton and Towne, of the Southern Pacific Company, in perfecting this bond of union, by driving near Tehachapi the golden spike that completed the railroad from San Francisco to Los Angeles. The occasion was commemorated by a grand banquet, at which Mayor Beaudry presided, and at which the visiting railroad magnates were suitably entertained. »

— L.A. County Biographies

— Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par Pacific Canada (discuter), le 19 juin 2021 à 22:29 (CEST)[répondre]

Banking, Finance[modifier le code]

Director of Los Angeles County Bank in [?] — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par Pacific Canada (discuter), le 19 juin 2021 à 01:14 (CEST)[répondre]

Mining, Coal, Wood[modifier le code]

Mines of Gold and Silver, etc.[modifier le code]

  • Santa Ana
  • Santa Anita (en 1858, Victor and Marchessault y starts hydraulic works) [source: California Gold Camps]
  • Slate Range Gold and Silver
  • Eureka, Saline, Panamint, Darwin
  • Union mine, Cerro Gordo - La mine la plus productive des USA au bout d'un an de production (1)

A Cultural Resource Overview of the Eureka, Saline, Panamint, and Darwin

En 1855, son frère Victor retourne du Nicaragua pour Los Angeles afin de gérer les affaires de Prudent et détourne le cour de la rivière San Gabriel pour de nombreuses activités minières dans le compté.


Coal[modifier le code]

Quarries, stone, onyx, marble[modifier le code]

Helped build Cathedral of Saint Vibiana, the building of Farmers and Merchants Bank [source: Declez & Beaudry]

Wood[modifier le code]

Central California[modifier le code]

Après la Guerre de sécession, "Officers of the army who had become warm friends of his were afterward stationed at Camp Independence, Inyo County, California, and they invited him to open a store". "He acquired interests in the Cerro Gordo Mines, which he worked, in company with Mr. M. W. Belshaw, with great success. The product In base bullion was for years hauled 200 miles to San Pedro for shipment to San Francisco, the output being for many years about 5,000,000 pounds per annum."

"It required a force of 400 mules to transport the bullion and supplies to and from the camp. The late Remle Nadeau, the builder of the Nadeau Hotel, was the manager of this portion of the business. The extensive business thus developed stimulated the project of constructing the Los Angeles & Independence Railroad. After the completion of the Southern Pacific Railroad to Mojave, the bullion was hauled to that point for shipment."

Petroleum, Gas, Coal[modifier le code]

Prudent Beaudry was the first to find petroleum in California. Colonel Joseph D. Lynch writes how in an article of 1905 from The Herald.

Seul et avec California Governor Downey, Beaudry creuse de nombreux des puits artésiens (source?) dans multiples localisations du compté. A-t-il travaillé avec John Downey sur l'exploitation de pétroles (Pioneer Oil Company)?

Coming soon: Coal tunnels.

The Boring Company[modifier le code]

A collection of business records from the Online Archive of California from the Temple Oil Company of Los Angeles, California, dating from 1873-1910 contains Prudent Beaudry alongside Thomas Robert Bard (co-founder of Unocal), also the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, and Francis Pliny F. Temple. It is said that the company was located in Los Angeles County and that it was also known as the Temple Oil Boring Company and the Temple Oil Well Boring Company.

Los Angeles Gas Company[modifier le code]

One official archive mentioned P. Beaudry as a co-founder/director of Los Angeles Gas Company in 1867.

Social and Health[modifier le code]

In the 1850s/1860s, eyesight and mining health issues by Prudent and Victor Beaudry pushed them to contribute to modern local health facilities. Los Angeles was so much isolated that Prudent had to go to Europe to try healing his eye burns.

The Los Angeles Infirmary, The Los Angeles Hospital (Société Bénévole Française ), St. Vincent Hospital, The Los Angeles Orphan (The Daughters of Charity)

  • "The steady development of an enlightened public sentiment is shown by the general approbation expressed at the strong stand taken by His Honor, P. Beaudry, Mayor of the city of Los Angeles, in his message upon the questions of a liberal support of [...] the importance of a well-sustained department of public health, and the duty of the the city in checking the vice of intemperance by restrictions upon the sale of intoxicating liquors.[source: An historical sketch of Los Angeles County, California]
  • The 1890s: $50,000 for the Los Angeles Health Department (source article 1905, The Herald)


Mariage[modifier le code]

Prudent Beaudry was officially single and had no children. (1)

Homes[modifier le code]

He lived and died on Temple Street. (1) With Victor, they had residencies in multiple locations in California, in the Pacific, across Central and South America (Argentine). (1) With his other brothers, he shared homes in Montreal, Canada, and around (1).

Family[modifier le code]

Victor Beaudry, Jean-Louis Beaudry, Joseph Beaudry-Trudeau

Trustees[modifier le code]

Joseph Beaudry-Trudeau, Nadeau

Patners[modifier le code]

H. Newmark, I. Hellman, S. Lazard (auxquels il lègue son commerce dans les années 1860s) - Marc Eugène Meyer (Lazard, Newmark family) — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par Pacific Canada (discuter), le 19 juin 2021 à 02:59 (CEST) - John S. Griffin (former surgeon, Rancho San Pascual)[répondre]

- Benjamin D. Wilson (Rancho San Pascual)

- William Declez (Stone quarries, steamships, steam works, etc.)

- John P. Jones (co-founder of Santa Monica, CA, Nevada Senator, L.A.&I.R.)

- William Ferguson (porteur de cercueil)

- F. Adams (?)

- James R. Toberman (maire)

- Wallace Woodworth, William H. Perry

- Emile Vanier (1)

- Robert Symington Baker (Baker's Block, — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par Pacific Canada (discuter), le 20 juin 2021 à 01:24 (CEST)[répondre]

Amis reconnus[modifier le code]

Solomon Lazard

Les porteurs du cercueil à sa mort était Col. E. E. Hewett, J. M. Griffith, F. Adams, J. Ferguson.

Eugene Meyer, John Downey, Edward F. Spence, John E. Hollenbeck

Patrimoine[modifier le code]

Cité dans les journeaux comme capitaliste, multi-millionaire, leading citoyen, ex-maire;

« The very imperfect outline above given stamps these men as having sprung from an excellent stock, morally and mentally. When in the course of their eventful careers occasion has called for patriots and heroes, they have not been found wanting. In the face of disaster and loss they have uniformly displayed characteristic courage and resource, winning from defeat, many times, success that would have seemed phenomenal even under favorable conditions. Prudent Beaudry, in particular, has the record of having made in different lines five large fortunes, four of which, through the act of God, or by the duplicity of man, in whom he had trusted, have been lost; but even then he was not discouraged, but faced the world, even at an advanced age, like a lion at bay, and his reward he now enjoys in the shape of a large and assured fortune. Of such stuff are the men who fill great places, and who develop and make a country. To such men we of this later day owe much of the beauty and comfort that surround us, and to such we should look with admiration as models upon which to form rules of action in trying times. »

— An illustrated history of Los Angeles, CA

Selon (J.J. Warner et H. Bancroft (?)), Prudent Beaudry a aider directement ou indirectement le dévelopement des quartiers même de Los Angeles ainsi que les villes sur les collines: de Pasadena jusqu'à Hollywood Hills et Griffith, Beverly Hills et Bel-Air, Venice et Santa Monica. (le chemin de fer L.A. Independence dont son frère et lui était co-fondateurs a surtout aidé).


A la mort de son frère Victor (1889) Prudent s'occupe de ses affaires et en 1893 lors de son décès, les principals gestionaires (trustees) de la propriété (estate) Beaudry en Californie et alentours sont des proches [0]: - le neveu Joseph W. Beaudry Trudeau, avocat (1858-1952), - Fred W. Wood (chimiste auto-didacte, directeur général de Pacific Electric), - J. Nadeau (descendant de Rémi Nadeau, collaborateur et partenaire des Beaudry), - J. M. Elliot (President de la First National Bank)



Ainsi, la vision libérale et industrielle [1] de Prudent Beaudry continue au début du 20ième siècle avec la revente de terrains et installations à des entreprises privées ou publiques: par exemple Southern Pacific Railroad [0], General Electric, les premiers studios cinéma de Los Angeles, et la ville de Los Angeles.

[0] "Big Purchase of Property by the Southern Pacific"

Liste des entreprises, lieux et institutions contemporaines auxquels Prudent Beaudry a contribué à leurs débuts.

Education: University of California public system / UCLA, California Polytechnic, Montreal Polytechnic [2] Energie: Unocal, LADWP Lieux: Bunker Hill, Pasadena, Santa Monica, ... Transport: Pacific Transcontinental Railroad

(probablement à ne pas inclure dans l'article Prudent Beaudry mais intéressant) — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par Pacific Canada (discuter), le 18 juin 2021 à 16:45 (CEST) [...] (citations à venir)[répondre]

Entity Type Californian predecessor Date
Unocal Petroleum Union Oil Company of California 1890
SoCalGas Natural gas Southern California Gas Company 1867
Union Pacific Transport Southern Pacific Railroad 1862
University of California Education California State Normal School 1868

[0] (citation article, 1890s/1900s) [1] https://muse.jhu.edu/article/478519/summary [2] https://blogues.banq.qc.ca/instantanes/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2019/01/20181219_144530-1024x576.jpg — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par Pacific Canada (discuter), le 18 juin 2021 à 14:30 (CEST)[répondre]

Hommages[modifier le code]

Prudent Beaudry est inhumé à Mont Royal, au cimetière Notre-Dame-Des-Neiges. Quelques journeaux lui rendent hommage: "Death Of A Pioneer", The herald (1893) l'Echo de l'Ouest, Minnesota (1893), "A Notable Mayor", Los Angeles herald (1905), et juin 1905; ainsi qu'en 1914

"A Valuable Citizen Gone" https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042461/1893-05-31/ed-1/seq-4/

"Chamber of Commerce: The Directors Adopt Suitable Resolutions at Mr. Beaudry's Death." https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042461/1893-06-18/ed-1/seq-6/ — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par Pacific Canada (discuter), le 19 juin 2021 à 02:16 (CEST)[répondre]

Los Angeles

Malgré ses contributions à San Francisco et à Los Angeles, Prudent Beaudry semble peu connu du grand public en Californie, pas de buste ou statue comme Baldwin ou Griffith ni de mémorial (?)

- L'avenue Beaudry le long de la Harbor Freeway (tout au long duquel Beaudry possédait des terrains (Arroyo Seco jusqu'au ranch San Pedro) [0] - Le Beaudry Center, 333 South Beaudry Avenue, siège de 111m de hauteur appartenant au LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District, deuxième plus grand système d'école publique aux USA [1]), situé 333 South Beaudry Avenue, vis-à-vis de Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce (que Prudent Beaudry inaugura début 1870s [2])

[0] Voir section Immobilier / Real Estate [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Angeles_Unified_School_District [2] Voir section politique — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par Pacific Canada (discuter), le 18 juin 2021 à 14:13 (CEST)[répondre]

References globales[modifier le code]

Articles[modifier le code]

Geneanet (Prudent Beaudry)[modifier le code]

Dont des extraits de French-Canadians of the West by Peter J. Gagné

  • Upon his death in 1893, Prudent Beaudry left a $1,500,000.00 inheritance in his will to be equally divided between his brothers' 6 sons.
  • He first went west at the beginning of 1850, traveling by way of Panama to reach San Francisco
  • That year, the two brothers sold syrup in the mining camps and small interior villages
  • Arriving in Los Angeles with about $1,000 in merchandise and two or three hundred dollars cash, Beaudry became a successful businessman. In just one month, he multiplied his worth to $20,000 thanks to his association with an American investor
  • Prudent Beaudry first opened a small store on Main Street, across from Abel Stears' house.
  • His business thrived, and Beaudry then moved to Commercial Street, where he was in partnership with men named Brown and Le Maître.
  • By 1854, he bought a store located on the northeast corner of Aliso Street and what was known as "Nigger Alley" (Los Angeles Street). Beaudry purchased the building for $11,000, improving the long adobe building with a further investment of $25,000. It is said that he made $1,000 a month from this location, which was described in a contemporary account as "the largest general merchandise establishment this side of San Francisco."(Newmark, p. 342.).
  • He also apparently owned a vineyard, for there is mention of a man named Henry Dwight Barrows working at a vineyard owned by Beaudry in 1859-60.
  • In 1855, Beaudry's health was in such a serious state that he traveled all the way to Paris to see a famous oculist named Sichel, who was unable to help him much. While in Europe, he took in the 1855 World's Fair. (note: with S. Lazard)
  • He returned to Montréal and organized a cavalry corps there, serving as its captain for six years.
  • In January 1862, he returned to Los Angeles and continued to thrive at his business until he withdrew from it at the beginning of 1866, selling out to Harris Newmark of H. Newmark and Company. (S. Lazard's cousin).
  • At that time, Beaudry became involved in a mining venture, which caused him considerable losses.
  • Beaudry fared much better in real estate transactions. In 1867, he began to purchase land outside of the city proper, in the surrounding hills and countryside. Others thought him foolish to think that the city would ever reach that far. He bought land on New High Street near Sonora for $55. Later, he bought 20 acres between Second, Fourth, Charity, and Hill Streets for $517, dividing it into 80 lots. Beaudry bought another sizeable piece of land, 39 acres between Fourth, Sixth, Pearl, and Charity Streets.
  • In 1868, he organized the Los Angeles City Water Company, of which he became the president, building an aqueduct at his own expense three years later. The reservoir required for this undertaking had a volume of one million gallons, enough to serve the purchasers of the 900 acres in Beaudry's "domain." In addition, Beaudry created a public park outfitted with all the modern conveniences. In 1898, the thirty-year contract of the Los Angeles City Water Company expired. The next year, the value of the company was fixed at $1,183,581 and the city of Los Angeles issued $2 million in bonds to pay for the company, which would now be under municipal control.
  • The American press did not hold back their praise for his enterprising spirit. Journalist Ben Truman, visiting Beaudry's land and aqueduct operations, remarked, "Mr. Beaudry has spent a considerable amount of money to allow future inhabitants to work the soil. [...] I must give homage to the wisdom and public sprit of Mr. Beaudry. By his operations at Bellevue Terrace, he has demonstrated the fertility of the soil and has rendered a public service by overcoming the seeming sterility that seemed to curse it."(Antoine Bernard, c.s.v. Nos Pionniers de l'Ouest. Québec: La Survivance Française, 1949, p. 121 as quoted from Joseph Tassé's Les Canadiens de l'Ouest, II, 254-55.)
  • On 3 December 1868, together with ex-governor John G. Downey, C.V. Howard, J. García and M.F. Coronel, Beaudry purchased the San José del Valle Rancho in San Diego County from Doña Merced. The 26,668-acre ranch sold for $13,000 - not even 50 cents an acre.
  • In 1871, Beaudry was elected city councilor of Los Angeles and in 1873 became one of the directors of the newly-formed Board of Trade, a precursor of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. In 1874, he became the city's first judge and later that year had the honor of being elected mayor of Los Angeles. Thinking of his homeland, on 26 May 1875 Beaudry created an annual scholarship of one hundred fifty piastres for the support of a poor student at the Montréal polytechnic school, which was directed by the Catholic School Board.
  • Also in 1875, Beaudry and three other investors founded the Lake Vineyard Land and Water Association, with the aim of supplying water to 5,000 acres of land in the former San Gabriel mission, several miles outside of Los Angeles.
  • Together with his brother Victor, about 1887 Prudent Beaudry bought a large tract of land to the west of New High Street. He spent about $100,000 grading the hill located on the property, removing 50,000 cubic feet of earth and building a retaining wall 465 feet long and 50 feet high. Beaudry advertised the land, proclaiming that it boasted the best water supply, perfect drainage, sunny exposures, pure air away from fogs and a view of the green hills, Pacific Ocean and the "model city" of Los Angeles. Additional selling points for the property were that there was a public school and ladies' seminary in the immediate vicinity and that the land was on a line of the cable railway system.
Date Event
1842 Il travaille poour ses freres Jean Louis et Jean Baptiste dans le commerce de la rue Niotre dame a Montreal
1850 Il va rejoindre son frere Victor a San Francisco
1852 En avril, il s'etablit a Los Angeles
1855 En octobre il s'installe a Montreal
1862 En janvier il retourne a Los Angeles
1871 Il est conseiller municipal pendant 3 ans
1874 Du 18 decembre jusqu'au 8 decembre 1876, il est maire de Los Angeles
Downtown History: The Big Life of Prudent Beaudry, Greg Fischer[modifier le code]
  • Former Mayor Prudent Beaudry was a single man
  • He died at home, at 607 W. Temple St. at Grand Avenue, on May 29, 1893
  • Beaudry Avenue is named for him. The street is on the far west side of his Bellevue Terrace Tract (drawn in 1874), an odd-shaped sector extending east to Olive Street and lying north of Sixth Street. The centerpiece of the tract was Bellevue Terrace Park. The Los Angeles State Normal School, a teachers college and predecessor to UCLA, was built upon the undulating grounds. Today's Richard J. Riordan Central Library was constructed there in the 1920s.
  • In addition to the Bellevue Terrace Tract, Beaudry was associated with the development of Bunker Hill, named for the centennial of the Battle of Bunker Hill (and subdivided in 1876). This tract of high-end homes sat atop the hills on the west side of Downtown. Views from these grand residences stretched to Pasadena and to the Pacific. Many of the Victorian-era leaders of Los Angeles lived on Bunker Hill, as did Beaudry. Life atop the hill was refined and staid.
  • He was a man who thought big thoughts. Beaudry tried and failed many times, losing large sums of money over a period of decades.
  • He was involved with the first waterworks in Los Angeles. The privately organized company became the early version of a local utility.
  • Beaudry was also involved in the Second Street Cable Railway Company, which provided cable car service for the outlying community of Angelino Heights, connecting it with Downtown. Cable car service is not normally associated with Los Angeles. However, Second Street from Hill Street (there was no tunnel in those days) over Bunker Hill, then down and ultimately over to Angelino Heights, required a system that could safely and reliably negotiate steep grades. Cable cars were the best option for the grades at that time.
  • On the Elysian Hills, there was once a Beaudry Park. This oval-shaped open space overlooked the Sonora Town section of Los Angeles, a neighborhood just north of today's El Pueblo Plaza. In the late 19th century, the Daughters of Charity purchased the site and it became the Sister's Hospital, operated by the Daughters of Charity near Sunset Boulevard and Figueroa Street. This was the forerunner of St. Vincent's Hospital, which today is at Third and Alvarado streets.
  • Beaudry was instrumental in helping found the towns of Alhambra and Pasadena. He was connected with Don Benito Wilson, owner of the Rancho San Pascual, and he helped bring water to these areas.
  • Beaudry lived life large and answered to no one but himself. He was outspoken and boastful, never shy about offering an opinion. He was quite sure of himself and was a man of action. He still lives on through his real estate.
He Built This City: Mayor Prudent Beaudry[modifier le code]

Books[modifier le code]

  • "helps of partners to finance his real estate dreams",
  • "once described as prim and Napoleonic",
  • "reputed to have made and lost several fortunes",
  • "his brother, Victor, as a smelter in the silver strike at Cerro Gordo",
  • "bought quantities of real estate to subdivide and develop, as he envisioned hillside homes on the dry empty hills north and north and northwest of the city.",
  • "He called his arid tract Bellevue Terrace, and he prevailed upon the city to grant additional land for building a dam in the barren chaparral hills west and northwest of Figueroa on the site of today's Echo Park.",
  • "Beaudry's new dam would allow the city to grow westward, an idea that many of the old-time conservative residents found farfetched, but to which the 'intrepid Beaudry,' as one of his associates called him, gave his full support.",
  • "thus, Beaudry became the power behind the Los Angeles Canal and Reservoir Company, to which the city granted a portion of land on March 1868.", "The president of the new Canal and Reservoir Company was the engineer and former county surveyor George Hansen.", "The company bought old Feliz Ditch and the water rights of the Feliz Rancho, which took its water from the Los Angeles River about six miles northwest of the city.",
  • "The Barnard brothers conceived the idea of building a wool mill on the site to take advantage of the power and thus created the first industrial manufacturing plant in the City of Los Angeles." (note: Beaudry was involved in the municipal and state political scene because the Water Works were semi-Public).
  • "He remained determined to see his hillside developments succeed. Undaunted by drought and depression, he proclaimed with the voice of the ultimate booster: 'I intend to spend money and keep on spending money in improvements and grading streets until this locality meets the attention it deserves, and it will not be long, I assure you",
  • "William Mulholland took his first job with the Los Angeles Water Company in the spring of 1878."

Papiers académiques[modifier le code]

Articles sûrs[modifier le code]

From other organizations[modifier le code]

Wiki[modifier le code]

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Angeles_and_Independence_Railroad https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_Wharf_(Santa_Monica)

Template: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_streets_in_Los_Angeles

Lists: tallest buildings, longest streets

People[modifier le code]

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Crocker — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par Pacific Canada (discuter), le 20 juin 2021 à 03:05 (CEST)[répondre]

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lead https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lumber

Ranchos https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rancho_San_Rafael https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rancho_San_Pedro https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rancho_San_Pascual Rancho La Puente Verdugo Ranch Warner land grant de la Hortilla land grant

(https://frenchtownconfidential.blogspot.com/2016/12/he-built-this-city-mayor-prudent-beaudry.html) — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par Pacific Canada (discuter), le 20 juin 2021 à 01:26 (CEST)[répondre]

Diverses Lectures[modifier le code]

Maps[modifier le code]

Videos[modifier le code]

KCET - Building the metropolis — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par Pacific Canada (discuter), le 19 juin 2021 à 20:50 (CEST)[répondre]

Documents d'époque[modifier le code]

Photos[modifier le code]

Real Estate[modifier le code]

  • Old L.A. Downtown. Prudent Beaudry Esq. 1867 (?)
  • Bellevue Terrace Tract (near Sixth, Olive, Sixth, Fifth, Charity/Grand Avenue, Hope, Flower, Grasshopper/Figueroa (40km now), Beaudry Streets)
  • Beaudry Tract (near Charity, Second, Hill, Fourth, and Third, Olive Streets)
  • Louisiana Tract (half a mile westward of Bellevue Terrace Tract, 35 acres, ~140,000m²)
  • Ballesteros Tract ("formerly the Vineyard and Orchard", Howard, Center Streets)
  • Arcadia Tract (Buena Vista, Eternity New High Streets; contains the "large Reservoir of the Spring Valley Water Company")

Los Angeles City Directory[modifier le code]

Capitalists: Baker (Los Angeles St., Pico House), Beaudry (New High St.), Bent (Cardona, Figueroa, and 9th), Berendt (Fort near Fourth St.), Gen E. Bouton (Yale and College St.), Cabot (Temple block, Pico House), Cohn (Commercial, Main), Fox (Spring, Fifth), Greaves (Griffin), Hargitt (Temple), Hoover/Huber (Main), Howard (Cape House), S. Lazard (Spring), Lord Isaac (Fort, Temple), Miler (Los Angeles), Riley (Spring, Bunker Hill), Severance (Figueroa), Toberman (Main, Pearl), Wheeler (Main), Wies (Spring), Worsham (White House)

Regard contemporain[modifier le code]

Y a-t-il des regards d'aujourd'hui sur Prudent Beaudry et la l'évolution de Los Angeles ? — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par Pacific Canada (discuter), le 20 juin 2021 à 01:15 (CEST)[répondre]

  1. [1], L.A. County Biographies, Prudent Beaudry
  2. [L.A. County Biographies, Prudent Beaudry], L.A. County Biographies, Prudent Beaudry