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// Utilisateur:Edit Counter
// Utilisateur:Edit Counter/Estrie
// Utilisateur:Edit Counter/Edit Counter
// Utilisateur:Edit Counter/Letartean
// Utilisateur:Edit Counter/Tinodela
// Utilisateur:Edit Counter/Cantons-de-l'Est

 * Edit Counter
 * Ensemble de fonctions servant à générer différents diagrammes à 
 * partir d'un historique de contributions. Plus de détails sur 
 * Auteurs : Cantons-de-l'Est (usually active on the French Wikipedia)
 * Date de dernière révision : 2011-12-26
// Documentation :
//   To do
//////////////////////ZONE PERSONNALISABLE//////////////////////
var EC = {
  UnknowUser : "Ce pseudonyme est inconnu de ce wiki",
  UnknownDate : "(date inconnue)",
  MissingTag : "Edit Counter ne peut afficher les informations qu'il a recueillies, car il manque une balise dans la page",
  ProvidePseudonym : "Prière de fournir un pseudonyme",
  AcknowledgeCommand : "Edit Counter devrait compléter votre commande d'ici MMM minutes et SSS secondes. Il vous avertira quand les informations seront affichées.", // The script will replace MMM with a number of minutes and SSS with a number of seconds.
  UserInfos : "Informations sur le contributeur",
  Pseudonym : "Pseudonyme",
  RegisteredOn : "Enregistré le",
  DecimalSeparator : ",",  // Is the number written like "123 456,78" (in French) ? This variable is set in order to get around a bug within some browsers.
  ThousandSeparator : " ", // Is it like "123,456.78" (in English) or like "123.456,78" (German) ?  This variable is set in order to get around a bug within some browsers.
  FirstEdits : "Premières contributions",
  TotalEdits : "Contributions totales",
  NamespacesEdits : "Contributions par espace de noms",
  NamespacesMain : "(Principal)", // The name given to the main namespace
  NamespacesTitle : "Espace de noms",
  Total : "Total",
  BarChartPerMonth : "Contributions par mois",
  EditsTitle : "Contri-<br/>butions",
  YearMonthsTitle : "Année-<br/>mois",
  DrawComplete : "Les données sont affichées.",
  NamespaceCountBug : "Il y a une erreur dans le décompte des espaces de noms. Prière d'avertir le programmeur responsable d'Edit Counter.",
  NewArticles : "Articles créés",
  NewArticlesDisplayHideList : "Il y a NNN articles en tout. Cliquer sur le titre de chaque section pour afficher ou masquer la liste des articles d'un espace de noms.", // The script will replace NNN with the number of new articles.
  NewArticlesNone : "(Aucun)", // If the user has not created any article
  NewArticlesDate : "Date de création",
  NewRedirects : "Redirections créées",
  NewRedirectsDisplayHideList : "Il y a NNN redirections en tout. Cliquer sur le titre de chaque section pour afficher ou cacher la liste des redirections d'un espace de noms.", // The script will replace NNN with the number of new redirects.
  NewRedirectsNone : "(Aucune)", // If the user has not created any redirect
  DisclaimerTitle : "Avertissement",
  DisclaimerContent : "Les données sur les contributions de tous les participants aux projets de la <i>Wikimedia Foundation</i> sont mises à la disposition du public selon les termes de sa politique de confidentialité (un lien vers cette politique apparaît dans le bas de cette page). Il n'y a aucune information affichée dans cette page qui ne soit déjà publiée dans la liste des contributions de chaque participant à ce wiki, ou qui ne soit publiée dans les <i>dumps</i> périodiques des bases de données de la <i>Wikimedia Foundation</i>." // This text is partly a translation of the first sentences of the disclaimer displayed in
/////////////////FIN DE LA ZONE PERSONNALISABLE/////////////////

// JavaScript Raphaël library (see

// If XMLHttpRequest undefined, then define it

// If JSON methods undefined, then define them

// Create something like
EC.szUrlPrefix = mw.config.get('wgServer') + "/w/api.php?format=json";

EC.DrawFace = function()
  var obj = document.getElementById("edit_counter");
  // Append <canvas width="150" height="150"></canvas>
  var elem = document.createElement('canvas');
  elem.width = 150;
  elem.height = 150;
  var canvas = obj.appendChild(elem);
  if (canvas.getContext) 
  var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
  ctx.arc(75,75,50,0,Math.PI*2,true); // Outer circle
  ctx.arc(75,75,35,0,Math.PI,false);   // Mouth (clockwise)
  ctx.arc(60,65,5,0,Math.PI*2,true);  // Left eye
  ctx.arc(90,65,5,0,Math.PI*2,true);  // Right eye

// Helper functions - begin
EC.ConvertToIso8601Date = function(sz)
// Expect something like '20090526011210'
// Return something like '2009-05-26 01:12:10'
  var szDate = "";
  szDate += sz.substring(0,4) + '-' ;
  szDate += sz.substring(4,6) + '-';
  szDate += sz.substring(6,8) + ' ';
  szDate += sz.substring(8,10) + ':';
  szDate += sz.substring(10,12) + ':';
  szDate += sz.substring(12,14);
  return szDate;

EC.ZeroPad = function(sz)
// If the number is lower than 10, then insert a zero
  if( sz < '10') sz = '0' + sz;
  return sz;

EC.ReplaceDecimalSeparator = function(n)
  var sz = '' + n;
  return sz.split('.').join(EC.DecimalSeparator);

EC.InsertThousandSeparator = function(n)
// Insert a thousand separator at every three digits.
// Does not work if there is a sign in front of the number

  // Work on the integer part
  var sz = '' + Math.floor(n);
  var a = sz.split('');
  a = EC.RevertArray(a);
  for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
  if(i > 0 && i % 3 == 0) a[i] = a[i] + EC.ThousandSeparator;
  a = EC.RevertArray(a);
  sz = a.join('');
  // Append the decimal part
  var sz2 = '' + n;
  var b = sz2.split('.');
  if( b && b[1] ) sz = sz + '.' + b[1];
  return sz;

EC.dateUtc = null;
EC.SetNow = function()
  var d = new Date();
  EC.dateUtc = EC.ConvertToIso8601Date('' + d.getUTCFullYear() + EC.ZeroPad(d.getUTCMonth() + 1) + EC.ZeroPad(d.getUTCDate()) + EC.ZeroPad(d.getUTCHours()) + EC.ZeroPad(d.getUTCMinutes()) + EC.ZeroPad(d.getUTCSeconds()) );

EC.RevertArray = function(a)
  var b = new Array();
  for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) b[i] = '';
  for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) b[a.length - i - 1] = a[i];
  return b;

// A timer used to compute the time between the command and the display. 
EC.TimeLapse = {};
EC.TimeLapse.Id = null;
EC.TimeLapse.n = 0;
EC.TimeLapse.Compute = function()
  EC.TimeLapse.Id = setTimeout("EC.TimeLapse.Compute()", 1000);
// Helper functions - end

// Parameters - begin
EC.szTitlePrefix = "";
EC.aParams = new Array();
EC.GetParametersFromUrl = function()
  // Example URL ending :
  //   User:Edit Counter/Cantons-de-l'Est&chart=pie|bar&refresh=yes
  // The URL must contain the pseudonym :
  // - Cantons-de-l'Est
  // It may contain :
  // - chart=pie|bar
  // - refresh=yes|no
  // - namespace=first|second|third|...
  // - startdate=2010-01-12
  // - stopdate=2010-12-31
  // Anything else is useless

  EC.aParams['pseudonym'] = "";
  EC.aParams['bar'] = false;
  EC.aParams['pie'] = false;
  EC.aParams['new_articles'] = false;
  EC.aParams['refresh'] = false;
  var sz = mw.config.get('wgTitle');
  if( sz.indexOf('Edit Counter/') == 0 )
    EC.szTitlePrefix = 'Edit Counter/';
    sz = sz.substring('Edit Counter/'.length);
    // Get parameters
    var a = sz.split('&');
    EC.aParams['pseudonym'] = a[0];
    for(var i = 1; i < a.length; i++)
      var b = a[i].split('=');
      if( b && b.length > 0 )
        if( b[0].indexOf('chart') == 0)
          var c = b[1].split('|');
          for(var j = 0; j < c.length; j++)
            if( c[j] && c[j] == 'pie') EC.aParams['bar'] = true;
            if( c[j] && c[j] == 'bar') EC.aParams['pie'] = true;
            if( c[j] && c[j] == 'new_articles') EC.aParams['new_articles'] = true;
        if( b[0].indexOf('refresh') == 0)
          if( b[1] && b[1] == 'yes') EC.aParams['refresh'] = true;
// Parameters - end

// Data - begin
EC.szSummaryToStore = "";
// Note the array elements computed/extracted from DB queries
// This function serves to group the JavaScript variables.
EC.Stringify = function(szName, a)
  var myJSONText = null;
  if(szName != 'EC.aUserInfos')
    myJSONText = JSON.stringify(a);
    myJSONText = JSON.stringify(a, function(key, value) 
      if(value instanceof Array) 
        var obj = {}; 
        for(var ind in value) 
            obj[ind] = value[ind]; 
        return obj; 
      return value; 
  EC.szSummaryToStore += szName + " = " + myJSONText + "; ";

EC.GetDataInHtml = function()
  var sz = "";
  sz += "\n";
  sz += "<!-- Computed/extracted data on " + EC.dateUtc + " -->"
  sz += "<div style=\"display:none;\" id=\"edit_counter_date_" + EC.dateUtc + "\">";
  sz += "var date = \"" + EC.dateUtc + "\";";
  sz += EC.szSummaryToStore;
  sz += "</div>";
  sz += "\n";
  return sz;
// Data - end

EC.anNamespaceIds = new Array();
EC.aszNamespaceNames = new Array();
EC.GetNamespaceInfos = function()
  var i = 0;
  for(var NSnb in mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces'))
    if(NSnb >= 0)
      EC.anNamespaceIds[i] = NSnb;
      EC.aszNamespaceNames[i] = mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[NSnb];
      if(NSnb == '0')
        // Use the name provided for the main namespace
        EC.aszNamespaceNames[i] = EC.NamespacesMain;

EC.aUserInfos = new Array();
EC.GetTotalContribs = function() 
  var szUrl = EC.szUrlPrefix + "&action=userdailycontribs&daysago=10000&user=" + EC.aParams['pseudonym'];

  var objJson = {};
  var objHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", szUrl, true);
  objHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = function () 
    var done = 4, ok = 200;
    if(objHttpRequest.readyState == done)
      if(objHttpRequest.status == ok) 
        objJson = JSON.parse(objHttpRequest.responseText);
        EC.aUserInfos['user_id'] =;
        EC.aUserInfos['registration_date'] = objJson.userdailycontribs.registration;
        EC.aUserInfos['gross_contributions'] = objJson.userdailycontribs.totalEdits;
        alert('Error in EC.GetTotalContribs() : ' + objHttpRequest.status);

EC.GetProcessingSpeed = function()
// The speed depends on the browser and its version
  var nSpeed = 200; 
  return nSpeed;

EC.ConfirmPseudonym = function()
  if( EC.aUserInfos['user_id'] == "0" )
    alert(EC.UnknowUser + " : " + EC.aParams['pseudonym']);
    var n = EC.aUserInfos['gross_contributions'] / EC.GetProcessingSpeed(); 
    n = Math.ceil(n / 10) * 10;
    var nMinutes = Math.floor(n / 60);
    var nSeconds = n % 60;
    var sz = EC.AcknowledgeCommand;
    var a = sz.split('MMM');
    sz = a[0] + nMinutes + a[1];
    a = sz.split('SSS');
    sz = a[0] + nSeconds + a[1];
    if( confirm(sz) == false ) return ; // No further processing

// This variable is updated by EC.WalkEditsRecursive()
EC.nEditsId = 0;
// This function calls EC.WalkEditsRecursive()
// This function is called back by EC.WalkEditsRecursive() once it has queried
// all data from the DB.
EC.GetEdits = function()
  if( EC.nEditsId < EC.anNamespaceIds.length )
    var nId = EC.nEditsId;
    var szUrl = EC.szUrlPrefix + 
                "&action=query" + 
                "&list=usercontribs" +
                "&uclimit=5000" +
                "&ucuser=" + EC.aParams['pseudonym'] +
                "&ucnamespace=" + EC.anNamespaceIds[nId];
    EC.anEditCounts[nId] = 0;
    EC.aszUcstart[nId] = "";
    EC.abIsEditCountComplete[nId] = false;
    new EC.WalkEditsRecursive(szUrl, "", nId);

EC.anEditCounts = new Array();
EC.aszUcstart = new Array();
EC.abIsEditCountComplete = new Array();
EC.nSentinel = 1000;
// EC.aYearMonthEdits structure :
// [ '2009-01',     Year month where the edit is done
//   [
//     [0],    Edit count within namespace 0
//     [1],    Edit count within namespace 1
//     ...
//     [21],   Edit count within namespace 105
//     ...
//   ],
//   Total contributions,
//   Relative Weight
// ];
EC.aYearMonthEdits = new Array();

// EC.aNewArticles structure :
// [
//  [ [<title>, <timestamp>, IsArticle, <size>], [<title>, <timestamp>, IsArticle, <size>]... ], // 0
//  [ [<title>, <timestamp>, IsArticle, <size>], [<title>, <timestamp>, IsArticle, <size>]... ], // 1
//  ...
// ];
EC.aNewArticles = new Array();

// EC.aanDowHours structure :
// [
//   [ <0th hour>, <1st hour>, <2nd hour>... ], // Sunday
//   [ <0th hour>, <1st hour>, <2nd hour>... ], // Monday
//   ...
// ];
EC.aanDowHours = new Array();

EC.WalkEditsRecursive = function(szUrl, szSuffix, nId)
  var a = null;
  var objJson = {};
  var szTimestamp = "";
  var nYearMonthId = 0;
  var szYearMonth = "";
  var nLength = 0;
  var szDateHour = "";
  var date = null;
  var szHour = "";
  var objHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", szUrl + szSuffix, true);
  objHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = function () 
    var done = 4, ok = 200;
    if (objHttpRequest.readyState == done)
      if (objHttpRequest.status == ok) 
        objJson = JSON.parse(objHttpRequest.responseText);
        nLength = objJson.query.usercontribs.length;
        for(var i = 0; i < nLength; i++)
          szTitle = objJson.query.usercontribs[i].title;
          szDateHour = objJson.query.usercontribs[i].timestamp;
          // Note each new article within each namespace
          for(var item in objJson.query.usercontribs[i])
            if( item == 'new' )
              a = new Array(szTitle, szDateHour, true, objJson.query.usercontribs[i].size);
              break; // From for
          // Compare with the last known year-month
          // If the same, use the same YearMonth ID
          //   If not, seek for a known year-month and update the YearMonth ID
          szTimestamp = szDateHour.substring(0, 7);
          if( szYearMonth != szTimestamp )
            for(var j = 0; j < EC.aYearMonthEdits.length; j++)
              if( EC.aYearMonthEdits[j][0] == szTimestamp )
                szYearMonth = szTimestamp;
                nYearMonthId = j;
                break; // From for
          // Count each entry within each namespace
          // Fill the Dow-hours
          date = EC.ConvertToDateObject(szDateHour);
          szHour = szDateHour.substring(11,13);
        // Get edits by namespaces
        EC.anEditCounts[nId] += nLength;
//alert(EC.nSentinel + ", EC.anEditCounts[" + nId + "] : " + EC.anEditCounts[nId]);
        EC.aszUcstart[nId] = "";
        try { 
          EC.aszUcstart[nId] = objJson["query-continue"]["usercontribs"]["uccontinue"]; 
        } catch(e) { /* Nothing here */ }
        if( EC.aszUcstart[nId] != "" && EC.nSentinel-- >= 0)
          EC.WalkEditsRecursive(szUrl, "&uccontinue=" + EC.aszUcstart[nId], nId)
          EC.abIsEditCountComplete[nId] = true;
          // Call back for next namespace
        delete objJson;
        alert('Error in EC.WalkEditsRecursive() : ' + objHttpRequest.status);

EC.IdTimeoutData = null;
EC.WaitForData = function()
  var bIsAllCompleted = true;
  for(var j = 0; j < EC.anNamespaceIds.length; j++)
    bIsAllCompleted &= EC.abIsEditCountComplete[j];
  if( bIsAllCompleted == true )
    EC.IdTimeoutData = setTimeout("EC.WaitForData()", 1000);

// Redirects - begin
EC.abIsTagRedirectsComplete = new Array();
EC.TagRedirects = function()
  for(var i = 0; i < EC.aNewArticles.length; i++)
    EC.abIsTagRedirectsComplete[i] = new Array();
    for(var j = 0; j < EC.aNewArticles[i].length; j++)
      EC.abIsTagRedirectsComplete[i][j] = false;
  var szUrl = EC.szUrlPrefix + 
              "&action=query" + 
              "&list=allpages" +
              "&aplimit=1" +
  var sz = "";
  for(var i = 0; i < EC.aNewArticles.length; i++)
    for(var j = 0; j < EC.aNewArticles[i].length; j++)
      // Remove the prefix if not in the main namespace
      if( i != 0 )          
        sz = EC.aNewArticles[i][j][0].substring(EC.aszNamespaceNames[i].length + 1);
        sz = EC.aNewArticles[i][j][0];
// alert(szUrl + "&apnamespace=" + EC.anNamespaceIds[i] + "&apfrom=" + sz +"&apto=" + sz);
      EC.TestTagRedirects(szUrl + "&apnamespace=" + EC.anNamespaceIds[i] + "&apfrom=" + sz +"&apto=" + sz, i, j);

EC.TestTagRedirects = function(szUrl, i, j)
  var objJson = {};
  var objHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", szUrl, true);
  objHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = function () 
    var done = 4, ok = 200;
    if (objHttpRequest.readyState == done)
      if (objHttpRequest.status == ok) 
        objJson = JSON.parse(objHttpRequest.responseText);
        // If the query comes back with one element,
        // then it is a redirect, NOT an article
        if( objJson.query.allpages.length > 0 )
          EC.aNewArticles[i][j][2] = false;
//alert(EC.aNewArticles[i][j] + ' : ' + 'Redirect');
        EC.abIsTagRedirectsComplete[i][j] = true;
        alert('Error in EC.TestTagRedirects() : ' + objHttpRequest.status);

EC.IdTimeoutTagRedirects = null;
EC.WaitForTagRedirects = function()
  var bIsAllCompleted = true;
  for(var i = 0; i < EC.aNewArticles.length; i++)
    for(var j = 0; j < EC.aNewArticles[i].length; j++)
      bIsAllCompleted &= EC.abIsTagRedirectsComplete[i][j];
  if( bIsAllCompleted == true )
    EC.IdTimeoutTagRedirects = setTimeout("EC.WaitForTagRedirects()", 1000);

// Redirects - end

// User infos - begin

EC.GetUserInfosInHtml = function()
  var sz = "";
  var nSum = 0;
  for(var i = 0; i < EC.anEditCounts.length; i++)
    nSum += EC.anEditCounts[i];
  sz += '<table width="100%">';
  sz += '<tr>';
  sz += '<td style="border-bottom-style:solid; border-width:2px; font-weight:900;">' + EC.UserInfos + '</td>';
  sz += '</tr>';
  sz += '</table>';
  sz += '<table width="80%" align="center">';
  sz += '<tr>';
  sz += '<td>' + EC.Pseudonym + ' : ' + '</td>';
  sz += '<td><span style="font-weight:900;">' + EC.aParams['pseudonym'] + '</span></td>';
  sz += '</tr>';
  sz += '<tr>';
  sz += '<td>' + EC.RegisteredOn + ' : ' + '</td>';
  sz += '<td>'
  if(EC.aUserInfos['registration_date'] != 0)
    sz += EC.ConvertToIso8601Date(EC.aUserInfos['registration_date']) + ' (UTC)';
    sz += EC.UnknownDate;
  sz += ' &nbsp; (' + '<a href="' + mw.config.get('wgServer') + '/w/index.php?title=Special:Contributions&dir=prev&limit=5&target=' +
EC.aParams['pseudonym'] + '">' + EC.FirstEdits + '</a>)';
  sz += '</td>';
  sz += '</tr>';
  sz += '<tr>';
  sz += '<td>' + EC.TotalEdits + ' : ' + '</td>';
  sz += '<td>' + EC.InsertThousandSeparator(nSum) + '</td>';
  sz += '</tr>';
  sz += '<tr>';
  sz += '<td> &#160; </td>';
  sz += '<td> &#160; </td>';
  sz += '</tr>';
  sz += '</table>';
  EC.Stringify('EC.aUserInfos', EC.aUserInfos);
  return sz;
// User infos - end

// Pie charts - begin
EC.GetPieChartPaths = function(anValues, cx, cy, r)
// SVG explanations at

// Compute a partial sector, the side and the arc. Each partial sector adds up
// on the screen to form a pie chart.

  // Compute the angles in degrees
  var nTotal = 0;
  for(var i = 0; i < anValues.length; i++) 
    nTotal += anValues[i];
  var anAngles = new Array();
  for(var i = 0; i < anValues.length; i++) 
    anAngles[i] = anValues[i] / nTotal * 360 ;
  // Compute sectors
  var rad = Math.PI / 180;
  var aszCoord = new Array();
  var nAnglesSum = 0;
  var rx = r;
  var ry = 0;
  for(var i = 0; i < anValues.length; i++)
    aszCoord[i] = "M " + cx + "," + cy + " " +
                  "L " + (cx + rx) + "," + (cy + ry) + " " +
                  "A " + r + "," + r 
    nAnglesSum += anAngles[i];
    rx = Math.round(Math.cos( -nAnglesSum * Math.PI/180 ) * r);
    ry = Math.round(Math.sin( -nAnglesSum * Math.PI/180 ) * r);
    if(anAngles[i] < 180)
      aszCoord[i] += " 0 " + "0,0 "; // Shortest path 
      aszCoord[i] += " 0 " + "1,0 "; // Longest path 
    aszCoord[i] += (cx + rx) + "," + (cy + ry);
    aszCoord[i] += " z";
  return aszCoord;

// Namespace ID
// Color
EC.anGraphParams = [
        "rgb(255, 85, 85)",
        "rgb(85, 255, 85)",
        "rgb(255, 255, 85)",
         "rgb(255, 85, 255)",
         "rgb(85, 85, 255)",
         "rgb(85, 255, 255)",
         "rgb(192, 0, 0)",
  ,['7', // Maybe same as X!'s Edit Counter
         "rgb(210, 105, 30)",
  ,['8', // Maybe same as X!'s Edit Counter
         "rgb(64, 61, 61)",
         "rgb(0, 192, 192)",
         "rgb(255, 175, 175)",
         "rgb(128, 128, 128)",
         "rgb(0, 192, 0)",
         "rgb(64, 64, 64)",
         "rgb(192, 192, 0)",
         "rgb(192, 0, 192)",
         "rgb(117, 163, 209)",
         "rgb(166, 121, 210)",
         "rgb(102, 0, 0)",
         "rgb(0, 0, 102)",
         "rgb(250, 255, 175)",
  ,['105', // Maybe same as X!'s Edit Counter
         "rgb(0, 255, 127)",
  ,['108', // Maybe same as X!'s Edit Counter
         "rgb(255, 99, 71)",
  ,['109', // Maybe same as X!'s Edit Counter
         "rgb(128, 128, 0)",

EC.DrawPieChart = function(szHtmlId, anIds, anValues)
  var nSum = 0;
  for(var i = 0; i < anValues.length; i++)
    nSum += anValues[i];
  // Get the percentages rounded to 2 digits after 
  // the local decimal separator
  var aszPercent = new Array();
  for(var i = 0; i < anValues.length; i++)
    aszPercent[i] = anValues[i] / nSum * 100;
    aszPercent[i] = Math.round(aszPercent[i] * 100)
    aszPercent[i] = aszPercent[i] / 100;
    aszPercent[i] = aszPercent[i].toFixed(2);
    aszPercent[i] = EC.ReplaceDecimalSeparator(aszPercent[i]);
  // Canvas dimensions
  var nWidth = 400; // 400px
  var nHeight = 400; // 400px
  // Creates canvas at <div id="pie_chart"...
  // This canvas is larger than the side lengths in order to accommodate 
  // some display problems within IE 8.0 and Google Chrome 16.0
  var paper = Raphael(szHtmlId, nWidth + 5, nHeight + 13);
  var r = Math.floor(nHeight / 2), 
    cx = Math.floor(nWidth / 2) + 2,
    cy = Math.floor(nHeight / 2) + 4;
  var aszCoord = EC.GetPieChartPaths(anValues, cx, cy, r);
  var path = null;
  for(var i = 0; i < aszCoord.length; i++)
    path = paper.path(aszCoord[i]);
//    path.attr("stroke", "blue");
//    path.attr("stroke-width", "1");
    path.attr("stroke-width", "0");
    for(var j = 0; j < EC.anGraphParams.length; j++)
      if( anIds[i] == EC.anGraphParams[j][0] )
          "fill": EC.anGraphParams[j][1], /* yyyyy */
          "title": EC.aszNamespaceNames[j] /* Tooltip */ +
                  ' (' + EC.InsertThousandSeparator(anValues[i]) + 
                  '; ' + aszPercent[i] + ' %)' 
        break; // From for

EC.GetCategoriesInHtml = function(anIds, anValues)
  var nSum = 0;
  for(var i = 0; i < anValues.length; i++)
    nSum += anValues[i];
  // Get the percentages rounded to 2 digits after 
  // the local decimal separator
  var aszPercent = new Array();
  for(var i = 0; i < anValues.length; i++)
    aszPercent[i] = anValues[i] / nSum * 100;
    aszPercent[i] = Math.round(aszPercent[i] * 100)
    aszPercent[i] = aszPercent[i] / 100;
    aszPercent[i] = aszPercent[i].toFixed(2);
    aszPercent[i] = EC.ReplaceDecimalSeparator(aszPercent[i]);
  var sz = '';
  sz += '<table>';
  sz += '<tr style="font-weight:900; font-size:90%;">';
  sz += '<th align="center">' + EC.NamespacesTitle + '</td>';
  sz += '<th width="2px"> </td>';
  sz += '<th align="center">' + EC.EditsTitle + '</td>';
  sz += '<th width="4px"> </td>';
  sz += '<th align="center"> % </td>';
  sz += '</tr>';
  var szDefault = '<td style="background-color:white;">(???)</td>';
  for(var i = 0; i < anValues.length; i++)
    sz += '<tr>';
    for(var j = 0; j < EC.anGraphParams.length; j++)
      if( EC.anGraphParams[j][0] == anIds[i] )
        szDefault = '<td style="background-color:' 
                    + EC.anGraphParams[j][1] 
                    + ';">' 
                    + '<a href="' + mw.config.get('wgServer') + '/w/index.php?limit=50&tagFilter=&title=Special:Contributions&contribs=user&target=' + EC.aParams['pseudonym'] + '&namespace=' + EC.anGraphParams[j][0] + '&tagfilter=&year=&month=-1">' + EC.aszNamespaceNames[j] + '</a>'
/* + ' <' + anIds[i] + '> ' */
                    + '</td>';
        break; // From for
    sz += szDefault;
    sz += '<td width="2px"> </td>';
    sz += '<td align="right">' + EC.InsertThousandSeparator(anValues[i]) + '</td>';
    sz += '<td width="4px"> </td>';
    sz += '<td align="right">' + aszPercent[i] + '</td>';
    sz += '</tr>';
  sz += '<tr style="font-weight:900;">';
  sz += '<td align="right"><a href="' + mw.config.get('wgServer') + '/wiki/Special:Contributions/' + EC.aParams['pseudonym'] + '">' + EC.Total + '</a> :</td>';
  sz += '<td width="2px"> </td>';
  sz += '<td align="right">' + EC.InsertThousandSeparator(nSum) + '</td>';
  sz += '<td width="4px"> </td>';
  sz += '<td align="center">100</td>';
  sz += '</tr>';
  sz += '</table>';
  return sz;

EC.DrawPieInfos = function(szIdHeader, szIdCategories, szIdPieChart)
  var sz = "";
  sz += '<table width="100%">';
  sz += '<tr>';
  sz += '<td style="border-bottom-style:solid; border-width:2px; font-weight:900;">' + EC.NamespacesEdits  + ' &nbsp; ' + EC.dateUtc + ' (UTC)</td>';
  sz += '</tr>';
  sz += '</table>';
  var objPieHeader = document.getElementById(szIdHeader);
  objPieHeader.innerHTML = sz;
  // Remove empty categories before drawing
  var anIds = EC.anNamespaceIds.slice();
  var anEditCounts = EC.anEditCounts.slice();
  for(var i = EC.anEditCounts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
    if( EC.anEditCounts[i] == 0 )
      anIds.splice(i, 1);
      anEditCounts.splice(i, 1);
  EC.Stringify('EC.anNamespaceIds', anIds);
  EC.Stringify('EC.anEditCounts', anEditCounts);

  sz = "";
  sz += EC.GetCategoriesInHtml(anIds, anEditCounts);
  var objPieCategories = document.getElementById(szIdCategories);
  objPieCategories.innerHTML = sz;
  // Draw directly the pie chart
  EC.DrawPieChart(szIdPieChart, anIds, anEditCounts);

// Pie charts - end

// Bar charts - begin

EC.FillYearMonthArrayWithDefaults = function()
// Create the data array as if there were edits every month
// since Wikipedia started (to my knowledge, it is the first known
// entity within the Wikimedia ecosystem).

  // Set the first year where an edit was done for the first time
  // (January 15, 2001) and today's year
  var nLowestYear = 2001;
  var Today = new Date();
  var nHighestYear = Today.getFullYear();

  // Create a list of year-months for all years
  var aszMonths = ['01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12' ];
  var aszYearMonths = new Array();
  var k = 0;
  for(var i = nLowestYear; i <= nHighestYear ; i++)
    for(var j = 0; j < aszMonths.length; j++)
      aszYearMonths[k++] = i + '-' + aszMonths[j];
  // Insert default values
  var b = null;
  for(var i = 0; i < aszYearMonths.length; i++)
    b = new Array();
    for (var k = 0; k < EC.anGraphParams.length; k++) b[k] = 0;
    EC.aYearMonthEdits[i] = [ aszYearMonths[i], b, 0, 0];

EC.YearMonthComputeTotals = function(a)
  var nSum = 0;
  for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
    nSum = 0;
    for(var j = 0; j < a[i][1].length; j++) nSum += a[i][1][j];
    a[i][2] = nSum;
  return a;

EC.YearMonthTrimDataArray = function(a)
  // Starting with the oldest year-month, remove entry with no edit
  while( a[0][2] == 0 ) 
  // Remove future years-months
  var d = new Date();
  var CurrentYearMonth = d.getFullYear() + '-' + EC.ZeroPad(d.getMonth() + 1);
  a = EC.RevertArray(a);
  while( a[0][0] > CurrentYearMonth )
  a = EC.RevertArray(a);
  return a;

EC.YearMonthComputeRelativeWeights = function(a)
  var nMax = 0;
  for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
    if ( a[i][2] > nMax ) nMax = a[i][2];
  for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
    a[i][3] = a[i][2] / nMax;
  return a;

EC.DrawBarChartInfos = function(szIdHeader)
  EC.aYearMonthEdits = EC.YearMonthComputeTotals(EC.aYearMonthEdits);
  EC.aYearMonthEdits = EC.YearMonthTrimDataArray(EC.aYearMonthEdits);
  EC.aYearMonthEdits = EC.YearMonthComputeRelativeWeights(EC.aYearMonthEdits);
  EC.Stringify('EC.aYearMonthEdits', EC.aYearMonthEdits);
  var sz = "";
  // The bars' length
  var nRowWidth = 580; // 580px
  // Insert the first two columns of the table
  sz += '<table width="100%">';
  sz += '<tr>';
  sz += '<td style="border-bottom-style:solid; border-width:2px; font-weight:900;">' + EC.BarChartPerMonth + ' &nbsp; ' + EC.dateUtc + ' (UTC)</td>';
  sz += '</tr>';
  sz += '</table>';
  sz += '<table width="100%" align="left" cellpadding="0px" border="0px">';
  sz += '<tr style="font-weight:900; width:100%; font-size:90%;">';
  sz += '<th style="width:42px; align="center"">' + EC.YearMonthsTitle + '</th>';
  sz += '<th style="width:2px; "> </th>';
  sz += '<th style="width:45px;" align="center">' + EC.EditsTitle + '</th>';
  sz += '<th style="width:2px; "> </th>';
  sz += '<th style="width:' + nRowWidth + 'px; "> </th>';
  sz += '</tr>';

  for(var i = 0; i < EC.aYearMonthEdits.length; i++)
    sz += '<tr style="width:100%; font-size:70%;">';
    sz += '<td style="width:42px; height:12px;">';
    // Insert an hyperlink only if the year-month total is greater than zero
    if( EC.aYearMonthEdits[i][2] > 0 )
      sz += '<a href="' + mw.config.get('wgServer') + '/w/index.php?limit=50&tagFilter=&title=Special:Contributions&contribs=user&target=' + EC.aParams['pseudonym'] + '&tagfilter=&year=' + EC.aYearMonthEdits[i][0].split('-')[0] + '&month=' + EC.aYearMonthEdits[i][0].split('-')[1] + '">' + EC.aYearMonthEdits[i][0] + '</a>';
      sz += EC.aYearMonthEdits[i][0];
    sz += '</td>';
    sz += '<td style="width:2px; height:12px;"> &#160; </td>';
    sz += '<td style="width:45px; height:12px;" align="right">' + EC.aYearMonthEdits[i][2] + '</td>';
    sz += '<td style="width:2px; height:12px;"> &#160; </td>';
    sz += '<td style="width:' + nRowWidth + 'px; height:12px;" id="' + EC.aYearMonthEdits[i][0] + '">' + '</td>';
    sz += '</tr>';
  sz += '</table>';
  var objBarChartHeader = document.getElementById(szIdHeader);
  objBarChartHeader.innerHTML = sz;
  // Bar charts
  // Canvas dimensions
  var nHeight = 12;
  // Creates canvas at <td id="2001-07"...
  var paper = null;
  var path = null;
  var objHtmlId = null;
  var nItemWidth = 0;
  var nOffset = 0;
  for(var i = 0; i < EC.aYearMonthEdits.length; i++)
    paper = Raphael(EC.aYearMonthEdits[i][0], nRowWidth, nHeight);
    nOffset = 0;
    for(var j = 0; j < EC.aYearMonthEdits[i][1].length; j++)
      if( EC.aYearMonthEdits[i][2] > 0 )
        nItemWidth = Math.floor(
                    nRowWidth *
                    EC.aYearMonthEdits[i][3] *
                    EC.aYearMonthEdits[i][1][j] /
                    EC.aYearMonthEdits[i][2]     );
        // Creates multi-colored rectangle at <td id="2001-07"...
        path = paper.rect(nOffset, 0, nItemWidth, nHeight);
    path.attr("stroke-width", "0");
            "fill": EC.anGraphParams[j][1], /* zzzzz */
            "title": EC.aszNamespaceNames[j] /* Tooltip */ +
                  ' : ' + EC.InsertThousandSeparator(EC.aYearMonthEdits[i][1][j])
        nOffset += nItemWidth;
        paper.path("M0,0 l" + nOffset + ",0");
        paper.path("M0,12 l" + nOffset + ",0");
        // For unknown reason, this command displays vertical lines
        // after *each* small rectangle. This is true for Raphael 1.5.2
        // and Raphael 2.0.0 . (2011-10-03)
        //paper.path("M0,0 l0,12");
        paper.path("M" + nOffset + ",12 l0,-12");
*/      }
  // To do : Create tooltips with colored text
// Bar charts - end

// New articles - begin

EC.FillNewArticlesArrayWithDefaults = function()
  for(var i = 0; i < EC.anNamespaceIds.length; i++)
    EC.aNewArticles[i] = new Array();

EC.DisplayHide = function(szId)
  var obj = document.getElementById(szId);
  if( obj == null) return;
  if ( == 'none')
  { = 'block';
  { = 'none';

// Set the number of items in the sub-lists
EC.nSTEP = 50;
EC.GetNewArticlesInHtml = function()
  var sz = '';
  // Vertical space for IE 8.0  
  sz += '<br style="clear: all;" />';
  sz += '<table width="100%">';
  sz += '<tr>';
  sz += '<td style="border-bottom-style:solid; border-width:2px; font-weight:900;">' + EC.NewArticles + ' &nbsp; ' + EC.dateUtc + ' (UTC)</td>';
  sz += '</tr>';
  sz += '</table>';
  // Count the new articles
  var anCnt = new Array();
  var n = 0;
  for(var i = 0; i < EC.aNewArticles.length ; i++)
    anCnt[i] = 0;
    for(var j = 0; j < EC.aNewArticles[i].length ; j++)
      if( EC.aNewArticles[i][j][2] == true )
  // Display only in namespace where there are new articles
  if( n > 0)
    var a = EC.NewArticlesDisplayHideList.split('NNN');
    EC.NewArticlesDisplayHideList = a[0] + '<span style="font-weight:900;">' + n + '</span>' + a[1];
    sz += '<div>' + EC.NewArticlesDisplayHideList + '</div>';
    var nCnt = 0;
    var szTableId = "";
    for(var i = 0; i < EC.aNewArticles.length ; i++)
      nCnt = 0;
      if( anCnt[i] > 0 )
        for(var j = 0; j < EC.aNewArticles[i].length; j++)
          if( EC.aNewArticles[i][j][2] == true )
            if( nCnt % EC.nSTEP == 0 )
              // Header section
              szTableId = 'edit_counter_new_articles_table_' + i + '_' + nCnt;
              sz += '<table cellborder="0px" cellspacing="0px" style="border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom:thin dotted black;" onClick="JavaScript:EC.DisplayHide(\'' + szTableId + '\');">';
              sz += '<tr style="background-color:' + EC.anGraphParams[i][1] + ';">';
              if( anCnt[i] > EC.nSTEP )
                sz += '<th width="40px" align="left">' + (nCnt + 1) + '-</th>';
                sz += '<th width="40px">&nbsp;</th>';

              if( nCnt == 0)
                sz += '<th width="520px" align="center">' + EC.aszNamespaceNames[i] + ' (' + anCnt[i] + ')</th>';
                sz += '<th width="140px">' + EC.NewArticlesDate + '</th>';
                sz += '<th width="520px" align="center">&nbsp;</th>';
                sz += '<th width="140px">&nbsp;</th>';
              sz += '</tr>';
              sz += '</table>';
              // Articles section
              sz += '<table style="display:none;" cellborder="0px" cellspacing="0px" id="' + szTableId + '">';
            sz += '<tr>';
            sz += '<td width="40px"> ' +  (nCnt + 1) + ' </td>';
            sz += '<td width="520px"> ' + '<a href="' + mw.config.get('wgServer') + '/wiki/' + EC.aNewArticles[i][j][0] + '">';
            // Remove the prefix if not in the main namespace
            if( i != 0 )
               sz += EC.aNewArticles[i][j][0].substring(EC.aszNamespaceNames[i].length + 1);
               sz += EC.aNewArticles[i][j][0];
            sz += '</a> [' + EC.aNewArticles[i][j][3] + '] </td>';
            sz += '<td width="140px"> ' + '<a href="' + mw.config.get('wgServer') + '/w/index.php?title=' + EC.aNewArticles[i][j][0] + '&dir=prev&action=history">' + EC.aNewArticles[i][j][1].split('T').join(' ').split('Z').join('') + '</td>';
            sz += '</tr>';
            if( nCnt % EC.nSTEP == (EC.nSTEP - 1) )
                sz += '</table>';
        // Close table if needed
        if( nCnt % EC.nSTEP == 0 )
          sz += '</table>';
    sz += EC.NewArticlesNone + '<br/>';
  return sz;
// New articles - end

// New redirects - begin

// Using EC.DisplayHide() since it has the same structure

EC.GetNewRedirectsInHtml = function()
  var sz = '';
  sz += '<table width="100%">';
  sz += '<tr>';
  sz += '<td style="border-bottom-style:solid; border-width:2px; font-weight:900;">' + EC.NewRedirects + ' &nbsp; ' + EC.dateUtc + ' (UTC)</td>';
  sz += '</tr>';
  sz += '</table>';
  // Count the new redirects
  var anCnt = new Array();
  var n = 0;
  for(var i = 0; i < EC.aNewArticles.length ; i++)
    anCnt[i] = 0;
    for(var j = 0; j < EC.aNewArticles[i].length ; j++)
      if( EC.aNewArticles[i][j][2] == false )
  // Display only in namespace where there are new redirects
  if( n > 0)
    var a = EC.NewRedirectsDisplayHideList.split('NNN');
    EC.NewRedirectsDisplayHideList = a[0] + '<span style="font-weight:900;">' + n + '</span>' + a[1];
    sz += '<div>' + EC.NewRedirectsDisplayHideList + '</div>';
    var nCnt = 0;
    for(var i = 0; i < EC.aNewArticles.length ; i++)
      nCnt = 0;
      if( anCnt[i] > 0 )
        for(var j = 0; j < EC.aNewArticles[i].length; j++)
          if( EC.aNewArticles[i][j][2] == false )
            if( nCnt % EC.nSTEP == 0 )
              // Header section
              sz += '<table cellborder="0px" cellspacing="0px" style="border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom:thin dotted black;" onClick="JavaScript:EC.DisplayHide(\'edit_counter_new_redirects_table_' + i + '_' + nCnt + '\');">';
              sz += '<tr style="background-color:' + EC.anGraphParams[i][1] + ';">';
              if( anCnt[i] > EC.nSTEP )
                sz += '<th width="40px" align="left">' + (nCnt + 1) + '-</th>';
                sz += '<th width="40px" align="left">&nbsp;</th>';
              if( nCnt == 0)
                sz += '<th width="520px" align="center">' + EC.aszNamespaceNames[i] + ' (' + anCnt[i] + ')</th>';
                sz += '<th width="140px">' + EC.NewArticlesDate + '</th>';
                sz += '<th width="520px" align="center">&nbsp;</th>';
                sz += '<th width="140px">&nbsp;</th>';
              sz += '</tr>';
              sz += '</table>';
              // Redirects section
              sz += '<table style="display:none;" cellborder="0px" cellspacing="0px" id="edit_counter_new_redirects_table_' + i + '_' + nCnt + '">';
            sz += '<tr>';
            sz += '<td width="40px"> ' +  (nCnt + 1) + ' </td>';
            sz += '<td width="520px"> ' + '<a href="' + mw.config.get('wgServer') + '/wiki/' + EC.aNewArticles[i][j][0] + '">';
            // Remove the prefix if not in the main namespace
            if( i != 0 )
               sz += EC.aNewArticles[i][j][0].substring(EC.aszNamespaceNames[i].length + 1);
               sz += EC.aNewArticles[i][j][0];
            sz += '</a>' + ' </td>';
            sz += '<td width="140px"> ' + '<a href="' + mw.config.get('wgServer') + '/w/index.php?title=' + EC.aNewArticles[i][j][0] + '&dir=prev&action=history">' + EC.aNewArticles[i][j][1].split('T').join(' ').split('Z').join('') + '</td>';
            sz += '</tr>';
            if( nCnt % EC.nSTEP == (EC.nSTEP - 1) )
              sz += '</table>';
        // Close table if needed
        if( nCnt % EC.nSTEP == 0 )
          sz += '</table>';
    sz += EC.NewRedirectsNone + '<br/>';
  return sz;
// New redirects - end

// Day of the week, hours charts - begin
EC.ConvertToDateObject = function(sz)
// Expect something like '2011-12-09T17:13:03Z'
// Return a date object
// Day of the week :
// - Sunday : 0
// - Monday : 1
// ...
// - Saturday : 6

  var date = new Date();
  date.setMonth(sz.substring(5,7) - 1);
  return date;

EC.FillDowHoursArrayWithDefaults = function()
  // Create the DowHours array 
  // - 7 days a week
  // - 24 hours a day
  for(var i = 0; i < 7 ; i++)
    EC.aanDowHours[i] = new Array();
    for(var j = 0; j < 24 ; j++)
      EC.aanDowHours[i][j] = 0;

// Day of the week, hours charts - end

EC.GetDisclaimer = function()
  var sz = "";
  sz += '<fieldset><legend><b>' + EC.DisclaimerTitle + '</b></legend>' + EC.DisclaimerContent + '</fieldset>';
  return sz;

EC.Draw = function()
  var objPage = document.getElementById("edit_counter");
  var sz = "";
  // Insert page layout code
  sz = '';
  sz += '<div id="edit_counter_user_infos"></div>';
  sz += '<div id="edit_counter_pie_header"></div>';
  sz += '<table width="100%">';
  sz += '<tr>';
  sz += '<td width="40%" id="edit_counter_pie_categories"></td>';
  sz += '<td width="50%" id="edit_counter_pie_chart"></td>';
  sz += '<td width="10%">&nbsp;</td>';
  sz += '</tr>';
  sz += '</table>';
  sz += '<div id="edit_counter_bar_chart"></div>';
  sz += '<p>&nbsp;</p>';
  sz += '<div id="edit_counter_new_articles"></div>';
  sz += '<p>&nbsp;</p>';
  sz += '<div id="edit_counter_new_redirects"></div>';
  sz += '<div id="edit_counter_disclaimer"></div>';
  objPage.innerHTML = sz;
  // Insert user's infos
  var objUserInfos = document.getElementById("edit_counter_user_infos");
  objUserInfos.innerHTML = EC.GetUserInfosInHtml();
  // Insert pie chart infos
  // Raphael library insert SVG code directly
  // Insert bar chart
  // Raphael library inserts SVG code directly
  // Insert dow-hours chart infos
var sz = "";
  for(var i = 0; i < 7; i++)
    sz += i + ' : ';
    for(var j = 0; j < 24; j++)
      sz += EC.aanDowHours[i][j] + ' | ';
    sz += '\n';
alert('Répartition horaire de chaque journée de la semaine : \n\n' + sz);
  // Insert dow chart infos

  // Insert top articles infos
  // Insert new articles
  var objNewArticles = document.getElementById("edit_counter_new_articles");
  objNewArticles.innerHTML = EC.GetNewArticlesInHtml();
  // Insert new redirects
  var objNewRedirects = document.getElementById("edit_counter_new_redirects");
  objNewRedirects.innerHTML = EC.GetNewRedirectsInHtml();
  // Insert disclaimer
  var objDisclaimer = document.getElementById("edit_counter_disclaimer");
  objDisclaimer.innerHTML = EC.GetDisclaimer();
  // Alert the data in HTML
  var szData = "";
  szData = EC.GetDataInHtml();
  // Reduction of executed code
  delete EC.aNewArticles;
  try {
// Display elapsed time between the call and the completion
//alert(EC.TimeLapse.n + ' secondes');
    } catch(e) { /* Nothing here */ }

EC.EditCounter = function()
  // Invoke this extension only from a user namespace in view mode.
  // The page must be "under" User:Edit Counter.
  if( mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 2 && 
      mw.config.get('wgTitle').indexOf('Edit Counter/') == 0 &&
      mw.config.get('wgAction') == "view" &&
      document.getElementById('ca-nstab-user').className == 'selected'
    if( document.getElementById("edit_counter") )
      // Look for something like 
      // "User:Edit Counter/Cantons-de-l'Est&chart=pie|bar&refresh=yes"
      // before querying the DB and creating any graph
      if(EC.szTitlePrefix.length > 0)
        if ( EC.aParams['pseudonym'].length > 0)
      alert(EC.MissingTag + " : <div id='edit_counter'></div>");

//  EC.DrawFace();